View Full Version : hi im new whos going through what i am ?

06-04-2012, 03:14 AM
im a hairdresser and 23 years old dont really have a lot to worry about relationship isnt always great but thats life, everyday i feel dizzy disorientated weak tired sicky feeling terrible butterflies that travel from my belly to my chest and throat and every time they travel itsl ike its maing my chest and throat tighter and tighter i have been to out of hours service and a&e countless times in the last few months and everything is always fine but yet i still cant seem to believe the doctors i suppose its learning how to deal with this but it is a horrible feeling when im in work doing someones hair and have to try and act normal there has been times i have totally freaked out and my boss doesnt understand what so ever she thinks im a hypacondriact. Always think that i am going to die or someone close to me is going to die and feel i am going off my head doc put me on propanolol dont like them though so i dont take them the only thing that helps me is diazepam but doc wont giv me them so when i do get them they help me sleep n calm down, hate not being able to have a good nights sleep often wish i was my old self again and I am sure im not the only one feeling like this ?

06-04-2012, 04:39 AM
hiya heather you are not alone,do you get the anxiety aswell?i am scared of dying its a horrible feeling,my anxiety is about my heart goin fast i hate it,if it happens i start to get anxious.

06-04-2012, 05:58 AM
If you having that much distress ask about librium, serax or prazepma(all of which are safer if the docs worried about dependence risks). At some point you need to get relief to start getting better. An ssri should also be considered as well. Alankay.

06-04-2012, 12:13 PM
I feel exactly the same....dizziness every day, scared of dying, I'm on Zoloft 50mg but I guess it's not working no more:( I feel miserable, nothing excites me, going on a family vacation in a couple of weeks...don't even wanna go but how do I let my kids down??? I'm supposed to be their rock.....and I feel like the biggest looser ever!!! Feel like my kids are so disappointed in me:( I hate my life right now.....can't even do something as simple as take my daughter to an appt ...feel so scared in gonna pass out o something:(

06-04-2012, 02:00 PM
Heather,you are definitely not alone! I think you will find MANY people on this website that have the exact same symptoms as you. When my anxiety is bad,I get the constant dizziness and worrying. The good thing is,this isn't permanent if you work on it. If you don't want to take any meds(well,if you doctor won't give you the one you want)try some natural stuff. Magnesium supplements and whey protein drinks have really helped me. The magnesium helps me sleep good through the night and be calmer throughout the day. The whey protein drinks have a lot of amino acids,which get depleted in your body from stress. Amino acid pills really don't do much. My boyfriend went to school for nutrition and always tells me the supplements and your diet is huge. Apparently,anxious people should be eating less processed foods and more natural. I have a rough time with that because I'm so picky. But I would give these things a shot! Kava is similar to benzos,you can get it at vitamin stores. You also should work on your breathing and positive thinking. Also,staying busy. If your not working,be doing something else. Exercise helps,it can burn off that nervous energy and keep you distracted. I would say positive thinking and the staying busy part helps me the most. Realize that your not going to die from anxiety,or pass out,or anything like that. It has never happened before,and actually isn't even physically possible. You are safe,keep telling yourself that. Hope I helped and hope you feel better soon!