View Full Version : What i thought would be terrible.

06-04-2012, 12:00 AM
The beginning to what I thought would be a terrible day. My little sister wanted me to take her and some friends to the circus and being the anxiety person that I am tries every excuse not to go but ended up going. The entire hour ride was torture. The car is a big deal and going away from home for fear of something happening to me and I can't get medical attention! my heart attack fear comes into play with every outing I try to plan. So I make the trip fighting urges to call for help!! Panic attack after attack we make it and I forced myself into a crowded arena.. Another fear and before I knew it I was consumed by the expression on my daughters face and everybody having such a great time for 2 hours I forgot about my problem and relaxed! It's the initial getting out of the house and making the trip that I actually had a good time! I actually drove home!!! I haven't driven anywhere in I don't know how long! I needed today and hopefully I can stay on this path!!! Of course when I got home the feelings came back but nothing like usual. I want to feel better!!!!

06-04-2012, 07:31 AM
I think you should visualize that you will have fun, and if you feel that anxiety is coming on deep diaphragmatic breaths will help you to calm down again.