View Full Version : Anyone else?

06-03-2012, 06:59 PM
Hi, I'm new here. My name is Leah and I am 20 years old. Just started taking 50 mg daily Zoloft about 3 days ago for my anxiety and depression and I feel horrible. I don't know if it is even working or if it's even possible to feel side effects so soon, but I have been feeling so nauseous and I can't eat anything, because the thought of eating makes me feel like throwing up. I also have woken up at 3 am the past 2 nights and been wide awake for a few hours, but my body is still so tired. Does anyone else experience this, take this medication, is it normal or going to get better? I also feel really jumpy and kind of like I'm outside my body.... It's the weirdest feeling.

06-03-2012, 07:33 PM
Yeah unfortunately the side effects start working right away but the benefits take a while. Zoloft is notorious for nausea/GI side effects, but the good news is they almost always subside after about a week. The benefits may take a week or longer, it's a bit different for everyone. Hang in there and see if it works for you and if not there are good alternatives.

06-03-2012, 08:21 PM
If it is increasing your anxiety in any way (maybe the jumpy/out of body feelings), then ask your doctor for a benzo (ativan, xanax, etc.). A small dose (even .5mg) can do an incredible job at calming you down.

The side effects can be tough, but they WILL go away within a week or two at the absolute latest. Often times they will subside in a few days. Just fight through, see if a benzo would help, and you will see benefits.

06-04-2012, 10:43 AM
Thank you guys so much!! I am prescribed Atavan as well and I took one last night to sleep and it was wonderful. Thank you again. This is all so new too me and really scary.

06-04-2012, 02:22 PM
Hi Leah,I know what your going through! I'm also 20 years old with anxiety. It is possible to feel side effects that fast. My boyfriend has felt side effects within one day of taking an antidepressant. Ativan is a good med. I have a prescription to that too, but I take it very rarely. That should help you relax through your side effects,since they go away after a short period of time.

06-04-2012, 11:23 PM
Thank you! I love knowing there are people who can relate. It sucks that something so unhealthy is bringing us all together, but at least we all can fight and share together you know?