View Full Version : not feeling right...

06-03-2012, 12:44 PM
Hi everyone I used to come on here a lot, but I started feeling better. This week I been feeling really funny, like pains in my lower abdomen, which feels like its coming from my vaginal area, and I'm havin pains in my back like its coming from my bottom. I had the contraceptive injection a few weeks ago and I'm not sure whether that is causing the problems? But I am starting to get scared and worried that ill die :s. Can anyone help?x

06-03-2012, 12:53 PM
try and stop worrying that you are going to die. anxiety is great at making you think that. so just try and accept that part being anxiety!

as for the pains...could they be period pains? i know you're on the injection, but could it still be possible?
i'm on the implant - i've only had the injection once and that was about 9 years ago.

i know which pains you are talking about as i've had them alot during pregnancies. could that be possible?

nothing serious ever came of the pains, so i wouldn't worry too much. it might even be just a bit of trapped wind?

if the pains are still there after the bank holiday, then get yourself to the docs to be checked.

06-03-2012, 01:18 PM
OMG I thought I was writing this myself!!!!! I've been having the same thing .. do you have lower back pain with burning?

06-03-2012, 01:55 PM
Almost every time someone posts on this site regarding physical pain, it is caused by anxiety and nothing more.

That could very well be the case for you, but considering you got the contraceptive injection recently, a call to your doctor about it wouldn't hurt.

Rest assured if it is anything, it is not serious and certainly won't kill you.

06-03-2012, 02:06 PM
thehumanapproach try this if you r having an anxiety attack, if it is something else I wish u the best