View Full Version : Anxiety and the heart ???

01-26-2007, 10:45 PM
I took celexa up till two weeks ago. I had taken it for 3 years and now the anxiety come back worse then every. Yesterday had such a spell and thank goodness in the doctors office. My heart stop no pulse and stop breathing. He has me on lexapro and also adavan now for the onset on them. They are not sure why the heart stop. Did ekg and all that and shows nothing wrong with the heart. Advise me thou to go to heart specialist and just have things check out.

Has anyone else every had this happen to them?

01-29-2007, 04:17 AM
Not actually stop but I have had all sorts of heart issues, irregular heart rate, Palpatations, High blood pressure, low blood pressure. Dont worry you'll just make it worse if your heart were damaged or ha a problem the doctors whould not of allowed you out of hospital. What you had sounds like an anxiety attack or panic attack. Read up on these you will probably see similarites with what you experianced although everyone gets tham different these days mine just make me feel sick.


tenacious G
01-29-2007, 09:09 AM
havin anxiety is like having adrenaline contantly in your veins, making ur heart rate wierd, and it skips a beat etc, beats really slow and really hard, it wont cause any actual damage to the heart