View Full Version : Health related anxiety!! Fear of death and dying.

Mad Hatter
06-03-2012, 05:56 AM
Hi all. I've been struggling with health related anxiety and am hoping to hear from people going through the same thing. I've suffered from anxiety and phobias in my teenage years and it seemed to go into the background when other things came along in my life-Partner, kids etc. My mum passed away from cancer 2 years ago and I thought I was doing fine for the 12 months after. But it was like I had a delayed reaction and now everyday I think about getting sick and dying. The biggest thing I find hard to deal with is the symptoms that anxiety creates in my body. I only now realize that is was the stress causing these symptoms/feelings as I haven't died and they can be gone as quick as they arrive. I'm having pain in my body now and it's so real that it's hard to imagine that my anxiety could be causing this. But I know from past experience that this has happened before. Would love to hear from anyone going through the same thing.

06-03-2012, 10:57 AM
I completely understand you!!! I suffer from health anxiety on a daily basis!! I constantly think I have this grave disease and I'm gonna die....I know I bring my own symptoms but they feel so real and it terrifies me:( need to change my negative thinking....and not sure how to!!!

06-03-2012, 01:27 PM
Hiya,i am exactly the same,thats what brings my anxiety on,i have been scared of dying from an early age i am 38 yrs old now but strange i work in a hospital on a ward were i see people dying all the time,i am due in a few weeks to have my baby and the thought of going in over myself is so scary cant imagine myself being there but know i have to i know i will go into major panic dont know what to do

06-03-2012, 02:31 PM
I'm the exact same! Everyone seems shocked that this is what I'm scared about. I get random pains / sensations and think I'm dying for sure. I always think I have something going wrong and fear that if I don't get checked out I'll die. I've been to the doctor countless times over this side pain that I have often. I was after it was something serious but the hospital and doctors said everything checked out fine. It's hard for me to believe that , so I struggle with that daily along with a lot of other things. I understand where your coming from.

06-03-2012, 04:25 PM
Hey I am going through the exact thing I am always convincing myself I am dying or have this illness the docs havent discovered yet I am constantly thinking about death i feel as if its more of an obsession now i do get it during the day but at night i mostly think of people who have died close to me will the same happen to me do i have cancer ? am i having a massive heart attack? obviously not as it would have happened by now surely but there is still doubt in my head, this sounds really weird i am going on holiday this wednesday and i have been on a plane a few times but i am really anxious about this i keep thinking iam going to have a heart attack when its up in the air i feel as if iam going off my head sometimes, i know what you mean with feeling physically in pain my whole body feels as if i have been battered about my chest is tight and throat has a constant lump in it and feel ill everyday i get called a hypacondriact but people who dont have anxiety do not realise how scary it can be but heres hoping we can beat it