View Full Version : I haye this feeling.

06-03-2012, 05:06 AM
Hi I'm Leah and I'm 20 years old. I go to school full time and also work full time. I have suffered with anxiety ever since I was little. I couldn't even stay the night at my friends' houses and have sleepovers like a normal little girl because I was so uncomfortable. I have to sleep with NO noise, no distractions, otherwise my thoughts just race all night and I won't sleep. Unless the sleepovers are at my house, then I'm fine because it's all my own things. Anyways, this is still happening, and I can't even have relationships with guys cause they will ask me to say the night and i feel so dumb telling them I can't because I'll have an anxiety attack. I've been recently put on Zoloft, and so far it's made me feel so funny. I feel like throwing up, it makes me wake up in the middle of the night and it takes me hours Togo back to sleep because I feel wide awake. And it makes me shaky. Does anyone else take Zoloft? It's going to get better, right?