View Full Version : All of a sudden can't breathe?

06-02-2012, 05:05 PM
Does anybody get this,without any other signs of anxiety? I was just sitting on the couch feeling fine(or I thought so anyway)and all of a sudden I can't breathe and I'm so lightheaded I think I'm gonna pass out. I really don't think I was anxious,but I suppose it's possible I just didn't realize I was? Usually I get stomach butterflies,or some other kind of symptom first. I should know the answer to this,since I've had anxiety for a few years and have had every symptom/experience possible. It really shook me up. Now I'm freaked out :/ I had a bad morning,if that could possibly have anything to do with it. Maybe my anxiety from that was delayed until now? I went about my day normally today otherwise. Did a lot of shopping,went to garage sales,went for a walk,etc. Well...anybody know what I'm talking about?

06-02-2012, 09:37 PM
Sounds like anxiety to me. That's the symptom I get. I didn't even think I was stressed when it started happening 2 weeks ago. But I'm a "high strung" person (imagine that! LOL) so anything is possible.

06-03-2012, 01:56 AM
It is definitely anxiety. I bet you took a weird breath, or felt the slightest sensation of some sort, and it instantly kicked in.

As far as breathing goes, you just have to remember you will NOT stop breathing. Think about it- you can breathe while you sleep, even in a deep coma! NO ONE dies because they randomly stopped breathing. When you start thinking about it and focusing on it, you make yourself more anxious and affect your breath even more.

Just hammer that thought when you get anxious about breathing. You will keep breathing no matter what. There is no need to be afraid.

06-03-2012, 05:33 AM
You may be breathing out too much CO2. Read about Buteyko breathing. I used to feel I couldn't breathe enough all the time. Once I normalized my breathing and breathe less and through my nose I don't get this.

Just my guess.

06-03-2012, 02:05 PM
Thanks guys,I now realize I was breathing weird and was not aware. I figured I would have to have at least one other anxiety symptom then that for it to be anxiety. I could've easily ignored other symptoms. My boyfriend tried telling me it was because I was eating chips and one got stuck in my throat! Hahaha NO. Just no. Such a freaky sensation...I'm going to work on my breathing to help prevent it from happening again :)