View Full Version : If you would love to achieve serenity, read this.

06-02-2012, 10:26 AM
Not that what I'm going to say will be inspirational, although hopefully it will be, but if you read the title and agreed, then I know we're all in the same boat. My name's andrewWwinters, but that's just what my username is. Deep down, my name is Andrew Winters. I didn't want to do "Facebook Connect," because I didn't want this account to be connected at all to my public Facebook account, as I wouldn't want to give away my "deep, dark secrets" to my friends, and even though I don't actually, really, have any, to put it that way, I still want this place to be a home of serenity and with the freedom to post anonymously but still know that we really are "all in the same boat." So yeah, I just joined, and I already feel like I'm at home. That's a good sign...

06-03-2012, 02:14 AM
Hey Andrew! It's always nice to have someone to talk to that you can relate to. I haven't found many on here to talk to yet since I'm fairly new , so maybe I could chat with ya. (: I've been struggling with anxiety for about 3 years now. In the past 6 months it has been at its peak. Ive felt sensations and problems that I didn't even realize we're possible with anxiety. Eventually well all be happy and well. We just need a lots of support and a positive state of mind. (:

Mad Hatter
06-03-2012, 05:36 AM
Hi. I'm new here too and still finding my way around. I've been suffering with anxiety(mainly health related) for just over a year. Although I have had the same thing as well as phobias when I was about 18. I'm hoping to find some peace here too. I think just to know others can relate is a huge help in itself!

06-03-2012, 02:29 PM
Hey mad hatter :)) lol