View Full Version : feeling of someones hand around my neck crushing my windpipe

06-02-2012, 05:53 AM
does anyone else suffer from the feeling that they are being strangled and that its is difficult to breath and also the feleing of something in their throat.

just recently i have suffered from this feeling 24 hours a day.

i have started doing neck exercises so hopefully that will help but any other suggestions will be gratefully received.

06-02-2012, 06:02 AM
hiya. i know it's a common thing for anxiety sufferers. always feeling like there's a lump in their throat or something.
i experience the thing you are talking about. when anything touches my neck. even if i slightly touch with with the tip of my finger. i feel as though i'm being strangled and i can't breathe.
i can't wear a scarf or anything around my neck because of this.

06-02-2012, 06:40 AM
Excersizes won't be of any help. One should approach or face this problem from a complex point of view. The first thing to deal with is anxiety overall ( meds plus cognitive behavoural therapy). Only then the symptoms will go away. In my case at the beginning of anxiety disorder period I felt as if i could not swollow anything, even a pill. I quit lunching at work, could not wear a tie or necked sweater. Later on this symptoms vanished, but were replaced by a shortness of breath and a fear of death.