View Full Version : Feeling that everything is wrong and I have to fix it now???? anxiety??

06-01-2012, 09:14 PM
I've been having this feeling for awhile but it's been getting worse...that everything, all of existence is wrong...it's all just wrong or broken...and it has to be fixed...somehow I have to fix it and make it right. And I have to make it right, right now!!! The thing is that I know it can't be fixed or changed but I can't sleep because I have to do something now to change it and make it all okay...but no matter what I do it will never be okay because it's just all inherently wrong. I can't save myself...I can't save anybody from it....we're all trapped...we're all doomed. I'm having trouble sleeping and just live each day trying to keep busy so I don't have to stop or think about how pointless everything is. And nobody can save us from the wrongness of it all! Anyone else feel this horrible feeling that everything is wrong? What should I do? Please help me!! I feel like I'm losing my mind and am seriously depressed!!

Jacinta McKie
06-01-2012, 09:59 PM
What the fuck yes I always think this it's all a joke that isn't funny. None of it has meaning, and here all of us are believing that we have a purpose an all this bullshit. It's all just one big massive illusion that really is not even happening at all. Don't think to much into it, because we have 500000 trillion questions that need answers but no matter where u look you will never ever ever find the answer, because there is no answer. My advice to you is just go with the flow obviously easier said than done, but to me I believe when people get to this point of realizing that everything is nothingness is when people go insane.. Because we can't handle it, we know the truth, and the truth is there is no truth to any of this.

06-02-2012, 02:36 PM
Okay, ignore that bible crap...

This is a standard anxiety symptom- Really a form of derealization.

When you have an anxiety disorder, your nervous system is constantly on edge. It is in a heightened alert, constantly looking for a threat. A lot of times, this high alert makes your brain think "Well if I'm so on edge, there MUST be an imminent threat!". It can make you feel weird, disconnected from reality, and spacey. It's like a very low level of panic, all the time.

This can lead to disturbing thoughts- You can literally feel like you are losing your mind. The thought that reality is "wrong" is just a manifestation of this- Of course things feel broken and incorrect- Your mind is perceiving reality as a constant threat, always on edge. This creates a very negative perception of reality and leads to thoughts like this.

Sure, we don't know a lot about this world, but it certainly isn't wrong. Life is beautiful, pure and simple. And once you get over anxiety, your perception of it as a positive state will return.

06-02-2012, 03:35 PM

The meaning of life?

Hmmmmm, now there's a question.

According to HItchhikers guide to the galaxy, it is... 42. I disagree - I think it's 69 ;-)

You need cognitive therapy to help steer your brain away from where it currently is, else you really will drive yourself crazy.

Things that appear to be wrong aren't for you to fix. You just have to take them for what they are and carry on regardless.

06-02-2012, 05:12 PM
I think these thoughts you are having are totally ok and appropriate. You just can't let it ruin your happiness or your life. I see it as things are actually perfect but something (or someone) has hijacked it. But as Bhamlaxy said, in an anxiety or depressed state, how you feel inside you project to the world. When you feel good inside, all of a sudden all is good in the world.

I have a pretty negative view on the state of the world and think some serious stuff is about to go down! I think armies will support tyranny no matter who it is, as our history shows us. One thing that drives me crazy is all tis talk of a financial crisis. I can't help thinking how countries print their own money. Just print more and hand it out for god's sakes! Who will stop you? There is no money police.

The world is completely f*cked up and does need to be fixed. You are correct! How will you fix it? We can all start by being good people and spreading love and light.

But through all the negativity that exists, I am smiling about it and if there is an apocalypse, I am going to watch it on top of a mountain with a martini in one hand and a joint in the other watching it all go down.

So there needs to be a balance. On one level you are part of a world going through major problems, but on another level you are a person going through your personal journey in a life that is short. If it bothers you, then turn off the news and keep things more simple and joyful in your life. I don't believe in pretending to be happy or acting like everything is all well and dandy when it isn't. But you need to feel good inside and be happy and that is not dependent on anything outside of you. So you can still see the problems of the world, yet feel good and joyful inside and be able to enjoy all the good things around you and in your life, without letting all the bad get you down.

"Everything under the sun is in tune but the sun is eclipsed by the moon."

06-02-2012, 05:17 PM
What is wrong with you people? Jacinta and car...you do realize this is an anxiety website. Don't bring your bible bs here or negativity for somebody that is asking for help. Disotb-bhamlaxy is right on. You are just suffering from a condition. Anxiety,and depression from the sounds of it. Don't think for a second you will always feel like this because you WILL get better. Nobody is doomed to a life of this. I have felt the same as you just months ago and made huge improvements. You are thinking way too much,which is a common symptom of anxiety. You are thinking negatively and scaring yourself,another common symptom. You also have the derealization that makes you feel like your dreaming and things are "not real." These will all subside when your anxiety is taken care of. Some can take care of it on their own,with natural techniques and medications,and learning more about anxiety. Tell somebody close to you what's going on if you feel comfortable enough doing it. That can be therapeutic,having support. I suggest you look up webpages explaining anxiety and how it works. Try eating healthier,exercising,taking magnesium supplements and drinking whey protein drinks for the amino acids. Magnesium is the relaxation mineral most anxious people are lacking,and amino acids get depleted by stress. St.John's Wort can be taken for depression. If you are finding it hard to deal with by yourself,make an appointment with your doctor. There are a lot of options for you. Anxiety is very treatable and is never a permanent situation if you are dedicated to getting better and work on it. Hope you feel better soon!

06-02-2012, 11:53 PM
disotb - Feeling afraid that you are going crazy is a very standard symptom of Generalized Anxiety Disorder. So is the overwhelming worry. It is a medical condition we share with thousands of people, and help and relief are available. The first step is to learn about GAD, then you will learn the steps to conquer it.

Jacinta McKie
06-03-2012, 03:17 AM
Brittany you fucking rude bitch you do realize this is a website where people can relate to each other and try to help each other with their best intentions? Who the fuck are you to be telling us that what we have got to say is bullshit, what you said wasn't all that fucking amazing.
Anyway your anxiety has probably got the best of you hence why you have to put people down to make your self feel better and make your advice sound more appealing.

06-03-2012, 04:21 AM
Seconds up... ROUND TWO... DING DING!


06-03-2012, 05:29 AM

Come on Brittany fight back!

dude that bible shit above was totally lame to post here.

06-03-2012, 07:44 AM
Listen, I think everyone has different ways of dealing with their anxiety...for some, a more medical approach works, and for others, a biblical approach works. I think people should just do whatever works for them and shouldn't be knocked for putting their viewpoint out there.

06-03-2012, 05:29 PM
I saw a pastoral counselor for several years - a D.Min. and anxiety has always been my major issue. He never once quoted a line from the bible to me nor suggested relief from my anxiety disorder could be found by understanding the world from a biblical perspective. All mental health professionals with any credibility, regardless of whether they have a medical perspective such as a psychiatrist or a non-medical perspective such as a social worker, psychologist, counselor, or other professional, understand the characteristics of anxiety disorder. Many of the symptoms the OP was describing such as feeling that he's going crazy, uncontrollable worry, are classic symptoms of anxiety disorder. Extending discussion about one of the particular focuses of his anxiety is not helpful. His path to relief will be learning about his condition and the treatment options available.

06-03-2012, 05:31 PM
Lol paniccured. Jacinta... I'm just saying that further talking about the topic making this person anxious,especially in a negative way,does not help. Nor do religious posts. Anxious people need positive advice,something to help them calm down. I find it funny that your saying I "put people down" because my anxiety runs my life and I need to validate my advice but yet your the one calling me a rude bitch. Actually, I'm just trying to help somebody. And it you read my post, you would know I have been doing much better with it which is why I give out advice. I would like other people to be able to use my tips.

06-04-2012, 12:32 AM
I'm shocked at how people act! This forum is for anxiety sufferers , not for bickering and fighting! If someone has an opinion , there's no need to lash out. If someone believes in something , then let them! It's a free country. If you don't like someone's post , ignore it and move on. That's what mature people do. It's ridiculous that anyone would put someone down for their opinions! On another note , the way your feeling is anxiety. Going to therapy could surely help. :)

06-04-2012, 03:34 AM
Philippians 4:6

06-04-2012, 03:45 AM
Please keep your discussions relevant to the topic at hand. Warning given. Thanks.