View Full Version : Weak/Fatigue shoulders and arms

06-01-2012, 12:48 PM
I have been having issues with my arms lately. It's gotten worse in the last 5 months where it's hard to fold towels or clean a shower when I have to put my arms out in front of me or up above my head. I was scrubbing a pan yesterday and I had to quit because I had no strength...needed to take a short break again and again to finish cleaing it. It's scaring me and I see that there is a thing called myofascial pain where if you push on muscles in my arms it's painful and it's caused by stress/anxiety. Does anyone at all experience this?

06-01-2012, 12:58 PM
I am currently having that right now and both my arms it's like random shooting pains

06-01-2012, 12:59 PM
oh yes!
putting the washing over my shoulder makes my whole arm achy.
if i'm cutting anything with a knife, my hand feels like it's cramping - only it's not cramp.
washing pans, i also need a break as i also run out of energy. the pain it brings too is just annoying!
stirring things is also a struggle.
walking up stairs kill me too. when my anxiety is real bad, i have to sit down as soon as i get to the top just to stop the pain increasing anymore.

06-04-2012, 10:44 AM
I started seeing a chrio and he's been doing some pressure points on my main nerves from my neck and down into my arms. I believe it's working but we'll see this will be my second session today. Gotta love a man that is willing ot listen to every ache, womenly problem and take it one step at a time :) Wish he was a doctor! It's hard some days where I have to take a deep breathe to make myself take it all in. Sometimes I'm okay but other days it kicks my butt! Worked all weekend in the yard and I was fine but put me in bed in the morning I feel extremely weak and/or fatigued so sometimes I feel like my body is fighting something else. Chrio says the symptoms that I have are with my nerves so we're starting there, he needs to get the blood pumping to get them loosened up...it burns a bit after the treatments but he says that a good thing.

06-04-2012, 10:55 AM
Just to let you know my right side of my neck, down both shoulders to the back sides, into my breast tissue above the breast, by the elbow and the forearm are what is killing me. I sometimes get sharp pains but mine is more like a really good workout and the next day you are so sore from the muscles you worked. Most of my points of pain on my body are similar to fibromyalgia but I haven't been diagnosed with and right now I really don't want to go to the doctor anymore. I have come across myofascial pain and it is pretty interesting but I had to quit looking on the internet for stuff so that's all I've got right now.