View Full Version : Very mild anxiety after rough week

06-01-2012, 05:57 AM
Last week was a very stressful one to me and that lead to a few panic attacks, very high anxiety and few days of derealization. Now, about a week later I'm feeling better, more calm, feel like myself again, better and better every day. There's only one thing bothering me: I still feel very very little anxious for no reason. I'm home browsing the internet and for no reason at all i have this small fear, it's like it's in the back of my head all the time, not letting me be 100% relaxed. Again, it's a very mild feeling. I try not to think about it, exercise, distract my mind, but the feeling doesn't go away.

Is this normal? One week wasn't enough time to recover from all the stress? Will my brain get back to normal soon? I really don't want to take any strong pills for this as I don't feel the need since I'm not suffering from extreme, not even moderate anxiety. I just wanna know if this will eventually go away cause it's pretty annoying.

Thanks in advance.

Jacinta McKie
06-01-2012, 06:01 AM
My advice to you is while your ahead of the game stop thinking about it, once you dig too deep into your thoughts about your anxiety the harder it is to dig yourself out, when your feeling a little anxious distract yourself immediently :) x

06-01-2012, 06:33 AM
Yes, it is normal. Try not to pay too much attention to it and it will leave you very soon.

06-01-2012, 07:02 AM
Yes, it is normal. Try not to pay too much attention to it and it will leave you very soon.

I was hoping to hear that. I was a little bit scared that the feeling should be gone already since it's been a week, but apparantly I need to give it some more time.

Thank you.

06-01-2012, 07:24 AM
I have it for one month, but as long as it is getting less and less, you will be sure it will be gone somewhen. Just try to accept the anxiety is there this moment. Acceptance is key.

06-01-2012, 10:12 AM
Your nervous system is simply on edge. Even if you are at home and there is no real threat, your self defense system is on high alert because of anxiety. It's totally normal and won't hurt you. Take a hot bath, do your best to relax, and work to FULLY understand why you feel that way. I felt like a lot of times when I felt like you thinking "OMG why do I feel like this? What's wrong with me" would add a lot to the anxiety. Everything you feel right now is 100% biologically explained, and will not harm you in any way no matter how uncomfortable it is.

06-02-2012, 12:56 AM
Your nervous system is simply on edge. Even if you are at home and there is no real threat, your self defense system is on high alert because of anxiety. It's totally normal and won't hurt you. Take a hot bath, do your best to relax, and work to FULLY understand why you feel that way. I felt like a lot of times when I felt like you thinking "OMG why do I feel like this? What's wrong with me" would add a lot to the anxiety. Everything you feel right now is 100% biologically explained, and will not harm you in any way no matter how uncomfortable it is.

That is really helpful. Thank you. I'll try my best to accept it and patiently wait for it to go away.

06-14-2012, 01:37 PM
Last week was a very stressful one to me and that lead to a few panic attacks, very high anxiety and few days of derealization. Now, about a week later I'm feeling better, more calm, feel like myself again, better and better every day. There's only one thing bothering me: I still feel very very little anxious for no reason. I'm home browsing the internet and for no reason at all i have this small fear, it's like it's in the back of my head all the time, not letting me be 100% relaxed. Again, it's a very mild feeling. I try not to think about it, exercise, distract my mind, but the feeling doesn't go away.

Is this normal? One week wasn't enough time to recover from all the stress? Will my brain get back to normal soon? I really don't want to take any strong pills for this as I don't feel the need since I'm not suffering from extreme, not even moderate anxiety. I just wanna know if this will eventually go away cause it's pretty annoying.

Thanks in advance.

Hi, I'm having the exact same symptoms after a panic attack I had a few weeks ago but day by day im getting better and am almost back to normal apart from a slight niggle of anxiety that I can for the most part distract myself from, just thought I'd ask if you'd managed to overcome this? :) Thank you in advance :)