View Full Version : Cognitive OCD***TRIGGER WARNING***

06-01-2012, 02:57 AM

I am new to this forum but not to anxiety and OCD. It comes and goes, getting better then worse again. It's recently started hitting me really hard and I just need to talk about it. Right now the obsessive thoughts I'm having are all stemming from this ridiculous violence in the recent news. I have thoughts bout going crazy, hurting others, killing others, and going schizophrenic. Whenever my anxiety and OCD peaks, I feel like I'm being bombarded with every single thought in the world that could torture me. It's so hard. I can't sleep, my head hurts, I feel like a psycho about to go off the deep end, and it's terrifying. Please, if anyone here just has some ind words....I need help getting through this. I take Zoloft 150 mg but it feels like its JUST barely holding off a nervous breakdown. Please pray for me. I dont mean to sound like a whiny victim at all, I'm just having a bad time with my anxiety.

06-01-2012, 06:57 AM
I am sure a lot of people have been through the same thing as you do. But you won't be like this forever. How bad it might feel right now.

Please consult a therapist or healthcare professional when you feel this bad.
Have you tried meditation? If you do meditation you just watch the thoughts, but don't react to them, just let them come and go. They are just thoughts. It is the reaction to the thoughts which makes you anxious.

Anyway if you have any intentions to act out any thought or really want to hurt yourself or others, seek help immediatelly.

Hang in there. You are not alone.