View Full Version : Visible Pulses. Could this be just anxiety?

06-01-2012, 02:55 AM
I'm 34, I have a long history of GERD and I'm taking Omeprazol.
For 6 months I awake in the middle of the night thinking my life is worthless I'm getting old, not married and I'm not a people person. Life is nothing of what I thought when I was a kid and I need to do something useful but I don't know what. It's very rare the night I sleep well
I feel palpitations, tachycardia and I notice my pulses beating on my wrist, sometimes my hands and ankles after eating. I thought I had Aortic Regurgitation, so I went to the Cardiologist, but my thyroid test and echocardiogram came normal. Kidney test ok, no anemia, no HIV, no Hepatitis. I don't smoke. Cardiologist told me nothing was wrong with my heart.
I'm not settled, and I can't stop thinking about my visible pulses, sometimes I can't control my thoughts, they go over and over the same thing
I can't paste links, but if you go to Google and search "Visible Pulse in the Right Hand - Wierd Eh?? It looks like my right hand is growing another finger! " you'll find a video, it's not from myself, but shows the same of what is happening to me, but I have it on both wrists and ankles, forehead

Could this be just anxiety? Do I need another Cardio? Maybe a Gastro? Maybe psychiatrist? All of them? Which one first? Some advice?

Thanks for your time

06-01-2012, 01:29 PM
This is purely anxiety. I have gotten this all my life, and I think many people do. Sometimes it happens on my arms or legs. It's totally normal and nothing is wrong.

06-01-2012, 02:00 PM
I get this too. Its anxiety. I have an array of symptoms like visible pulse, weakness, fatigue (yet unable to sleep), tachycardia, ches pains, dizziness. I too checked out completely normal but i found out im anemic. Dr says the iron he prescribed me will help my dizziness and weakness.
But im telling u anxiety does cause physical symptoms its what stress does to the body. My worse symptom is that i shake so bad youd think i had parkinsons or something. Yet im only 20. Ive dropped my phone because my hands will just start shaking uncontrollably out of nowhere. I thought it was neurological as did my parents but i have been thoroughly checked out by top specialists in my area and its all anxiety. They all told me and my parents that all my symptoms point to extreme anxiety disorder. Im always on alert and jump at the slightest thing but I started taking a benzo and seeing a therapist and ive chilled myself out alot. It doesnt hurt to have a full workup done to ease your mind but after u check out physically then BELIEVE YOUR DOCTORS and accept that its anxiety. Then go the psychological route and help yourself by making an appt with someone. Mental health is just as vital as physical.

You are putting a ton of pressure on yourself conciously and subconciously about your life. Realistically 34 is very young you have time to find your calling! Do some soul searching, find out what interests you and persue it. A therapist can help you do this. Also try online dating or going out to meet people (whichever is most comfortable). There is someone out there for everyone you can find your mate.

06-02-2012, 10:20 AM
bro I have same problems with my visible pulse in my stomache i never use to notice it at all now i do everyday..I'm waiting for more vacation time to go see a specialist..this has definitely been the main cause of my anxiety...