View Full Version : Coping with anxiety without medication?

05-31-2012, 10:13 PM
I'm new to the thread so if this belongs somewhere else, i'm sorry. I just need to find ANYONE else who feels the same way I do right now. I'm at my wits end....

Anxiety has been a nightmare. First it was stupid government crap (New World Order stuff) and now I've got zombies on the brain (thank you Miami Face-eater). I need some medication before I'm not able to function properly. I've been keeping my worries from my family and my boyfriend because I don't want to sound stupid but I am having another one of my break-downs where I cry and feel like there is no hope and I feel afraid. I'm not going to lie because I just want to get it all out for once, but I've contemplated Suicide because I've been afraid of my anxieties coming to fruition. I don't know what to do anymore.... Please tell me I'm not alone in this right now...

05-31-2012, 10:50 PM
Its alright, i can completely understand. Ive been really anxious for the last few weeks and all this zombie shit has me terrified that the worlds about to end or something, and i tell myself that my anxiety has been from my body predicting that something bads about to happen. Crazy right? Its nuts lol. I would go talk to your doctor about it. Theres fast acting meds that can help your anxiety. We both should stop being so creative!

But just in case, watch zombieland and all the walking dead episodes that you can, take note of strategies used and prepare!!!
Never hurts to have a plan jus in case right heh

06-01-2012, 08:12 PM
I have been there. Ok,you have to stop investigating things that are upsetting you. I bet you are getting your ideas from the media. I love Ancient Aliens tv show and anything else about aliens because I am fascinated,but had to quit that hobby. I also love anything to do with doomsday preppers,which I also had to quit. It made me constantly paranoid and over think to the point where I was afraid everyday these things were going to happen and had plans for what I was going to do in those situations. If you see something that looks scary on tv don't watch it and if you see an article online do not read it. Don't read books about them either. That will help you.

06-01-2012, 08:30 PM
I really feel for you, you must go to the Dr it is very important as it sounds like you are suffering from Depression and anxiety at the same time, I do as well but if my depression / Anxiety go overboard I just know I need som help, talking to somebody and medication in this situation may help you to recover, I am not the one how recommend medication but I have bin on them my self and it works for me, wen my depression and anxiety is unbearable, you have to express your feelings to some one you trust as its is important to have some one to talk 2. Talk to your GP hi/she should help you as this is there job, no one will think your crazy it's very common and help is out there if you need it. I really hope you take care and get some help.

06-02-2012, 02:27 AM
If you are feeling this upset then perhaps medication (of the non addictive kind e.g ssris) wouldn't be a bad idea.

However, if you really want to do this without medication then simple things like deep breathing exercises can be effective.

I would recommend using a relaxation cd or mp3 thetis doesn't matter) of about 10mins duration 2-3 times per day to see if this helps to make you feel better and quieten down your worrying thoughts.

06-02-2012, 12:03 PM
I have been there. Ok,you have to stop investigating things that are upsetting you. I bet you are getting your ideas from the media. I love Ancient Aliens tv show and anything else about aliens because I am fascinated,but had to quit that hobby. I also love anything to do with doomsday preppers,which I also had to quit. It made me constantly paranoid and over think to the point where I was afraid everyday these things were going to happen and had plans for what I was going to do in those situations. If you see something that looks scary on tv don't watch it and if you see an article online do not read it. Don't read books about them either. That will help you.

Thanks for all the advice :) It's hard to keep myself from looking at stuff I guess. But I'll have to try. I figure I'll feel better in a month or so once all this face-eating nonsense calms down.

06-03-2012, 02:39 PM
Pick up a copy of Heal Your Anxiety Workbook. You'll learn about your condition and what you can do to get relief. If that's not enough then don't hesitate to seek a doctor's help. You can get relief and you will. And oh, you're definitely not alone!