View Full Version : Obsessive thoughts.

05-31-2012, 09:17 PM
I am getting so freaked out. There are some days where I have thoughts of hurting my children. But I know I never will and when I do I get all panicky. Anyone else have this and what can I do to make it stop.

05-31-2012, 09:35 PM
I have had the same thoughts for awhile too. I couldn't go in my kitchen for a mon time too cuz I was scared about going near knifes. And I would get scared every time I saw one or any sharp tool. I would always think about hurting myself or my kids. I hate this it makes me feel like a horrible mother that I would even think about hurting my children. There my life. Thanks for the support I have none in my family so it's nice to hear someone tell me that I am not going crazy and other people are going through the same thing I am.

06-08-2012, 08:20 AM
I'm having this same issue now. I LOVE my daughter. She's my world... but with all the recent violence in the news, I'm scared of what makes a person snap. Last night I didn't want to stay home alone with her. (My husband works third shift.) I wanted to sleep over at my sister in laws just so I wouldn't be alone... I know I would never do anything to harm my child... the idea of it turns my stomach, but the stupid fears won't go away. I'm trying to get in with my old counselor, but I keep get railroaded into waiting three weeks for my new psych appointment.

Just know, you're not alone. We're good mothers.

06-10-2012, 01:13 AM
Velrose- my husband too works third shift so I am home alone with both my boys. I too get freaked out about what I read on tv or in the paper and what possesses a mother to hurt her child. There were times where I couldn't look at any sharp object for the fear of stabbing them. It went on for a while but my therapist said of you get panicky from the thought 100 percent positive I will never do anything so I just keep repeating that in my head. I feel like a horrible mother for having these thoughts but I gotta keep telling myself I will never do anything to hurt them. it really sucks

06-10-2012, 08:18 AM
Velrose- my husband too works third shift so I am home alone with both my boys. I too get freaked out about what I read on tv or in the paper and what possesses a mother to hurt her child. There were times where I couldn't look at any sharp object for the fear of stabbing them. It went on for a while but my therapist said of you get panicky from the thought 100 percent positive I will never do anything so I just keep repeating that in my head. I feel like a horrible mother for having these thoughts but I gotta keep telling myself I will never do anything to hurt them. it really sucks

I know the feeling. I hope therapy does some good for me. I start Wednesday. Were you nervous about telling your therapist about this? I'm so scared too...

06-10-2012, 10:00 AM
You aren't alone. I used to have a problem with obsessive thoughts too and they were often violent. It got better with therapy! I think it can definitely be an anxiety/depression response. Just remember if everyone was judged my their thoughts alone we'd probably all be scared to death of one another! I think the important thing is to talk to someone about your thoughts, so the worry/guilt doesn't eat you alive. I do recommend therapy because that is what helped me. You know you are not going to hurt your children, we all know you aren't going to hurt your children, your anxious mind is just making you think the worst possible thoughts you can because that is what anxious minds often do. You are a good mother :) You just need to seek some therapy so they can teach you to show your anxious mind who is boss !

06-11-2012, 08:38 PM
Slumberless, Thank you for the reassurance. And you're right, it's a good thing we're not all judged for our thoughts and fears! What a world that would be!

Mommyof2- I've been working on building a support network. My mom lives 17 hours away, but she's suffers from panic attacks too, and understands if I ever need to call her. My sister in law lives next door, and is also there for me, as well as my husband. I'm looking forward to beginning my therapy in a couple of days. I want to be free of this mess!

06-12-2012, 03:55 AM
You have to take up meditation, it will help you to learn to take control of your thoughts.

06-12-2012, 04:07 AM
Thankyou for posting about this. I too have been struggling with the same thing, triggered when my son was 3 Mnths old. I saw an interview on tv with a woman whi's fiancé had killed her little boy and I suddenly thought I wud do that too my son! I felt sick and cudn't be in the same room as him. I went through a stage of not holding him as I thought I'd drop him or throw him! I've had terrible things jump in2 my head. I can't watch the news incase anything about people killing thier children comes on because I obsessively think I might do that and I go jn2 a mad panic :( I love my son sooooo much but I feel disconnected frm him because of the terrible things I think :(

06-13-2012, 04:42 AM
Guys, it will pass with time, I had very similar problem, only work on it, chase it, go towards it, don't be afraid of your thoughts.

06-13-2012, 07:08 AM
How long did u have it for? I don't react as bad about the thoughts now than when it began, some days I don't have any but sometimes I can have them constantly for a couple of days then gone again? x

06-14-2012, 12:38 AM
I had it on and off but I don't have such thoughts anymore.

Don't be afraid of it and don't run away from it. Whenever such thought comes to your mind - accept it. Because the more you fear it, the bigger is chance that eventually will come back.

06-16-2012, 05:46 AM
Thank u :) it's so nice to know that I'm not the only one, helps so much x

10-12-2012, 11:39 AM
anyone recently been going though this?

10-12-2012, 12:58 PM
anyone recently been going though this?

Yes, all the time. Sometimes as if I'm going to cause harm or do something drastic.
There's a Doctor (now deceased) who wrote books about nervous conditions. Great books- she covers loads of fifferent issues regarding obsessive thoughts and the best way to deal with them is to dismiss them. Dr Claire Weekes. She was spot on with her advice. Google her or get her bk at library. Best of luck.

10-13-2012, 04:08 AM
I hate this state of mind...