View Full Version : when you say foggy headed???

01-26-2007, 01:04 PM
what exactly do you mean...I think its what im feeling...not really dizzy but not stable....not really a headache but definitely not feeling right in the head region...head hurts more when you bend over.....also on a completely seperate note...has anyone here tried xanax CR?? any feedback??


01-29-2007, 04:20 AM
Put simply because you are worried you are focusing far too much on how you feel try to relax and let it slide after all you are not in any pain. The strange feeling will pass.

I hope you feel better soon.

We are here if you need us.

Duncan :)

01-30-2007, 06:12 PM
Yeah i think i know what you mean.

Ur not dizzy as in falling into walls but you feel really lightheaded. Its the symptoms that frustrates me / upsets me / angers me / annoys me and everything else the most.

We have to keep believing that by hanging in there it will go. I feel better in the evenings i think im camer then. Although i dont know why. This was especially the case today when i really thought i didnt want tio live anymore if its going to be like this all the time. I feel better now (evening) but i worry itl be back tomorrow. I just hop today was simply a bad day.

Hang in there and PM me wenever you like. (Ill try to reply a.s.a.p but v.busy with coursework at the mo)

Best wishes


01-30-2007, 06:28 PM
I get this sometimes:
Light headed, fuzzy feeling, feel as though Im standing off balance but standing straight...what is that? I get this once ina while, maybe its stress. Oh or maybe its a "chemical imbalance"??

01-31-2007, 01:13 AM
when your in a fog its like your out of touch with reality... its like watching everything through a tv.. you feel disconnected... (sometimes ill try to open my eyes really wide to see what happens .. :( ) ...see also tunnel vision

02-07-2007, 12:38 PM
i have the foggy feelings aswell, ive only just found this website and im amazed at the amount of symptoms that i can relate to, my foggy feelings seem to come on in the afternoons about 6 ish can be later and some times last for days even weeks. also had strange feelings in arms and face more so on the right handside no tingling just an odd sensation almost numbness.