View Full Version : Why do u wake up feeling like this(PLEASE READ + HELP)

05-31-2012, 04:12 AM
Ive been suffering for General Anxiety, Slight Social Anxiety, Depersonilzation and Derealization for about a year now, Its been getting alot better recently but this few symptoms have really annoyed me: When ever i wake up i feel really lightheaded and my arms feel all buzzy and weird its almost like a adrenaline rush as soon as i wake up if i move my body it goes away but its so uncomfortable also when i wake up my head is burning litrially its scary and when i get this lightheaded feeling i dont feel tired anymore i just feel overtired, I dont want to go to the doctors because the symptom only happens when i wake up, Im on no meds for anxiety ect i pretty much self helped myself and it seems to be working but as soon as this lightheaded sensation my anxiety fires back up again. I sleep with 3 big-ish pillows so my head is quite elevated and i notice when i stand up outof bed the back of my lower neck really hurts could this be causing it or is it anxiety?

05-31-2012, 07:54 AM
Have you tried sleeping somewhere else? If you have a couch or guest bed? I dont feel great when i wake up but i can tell its anxiety. Most likely in your case your probably thinking about it so much and thats why you are having issues with it. Switch it up tonight and see how it feels.

05-31-2012, 09:25 AM
I'm the same way- The mornings are always the worst. I used to wake up feeling anywhere in between immediate panic attack and moderate anxiety. Someone has talked about a certain brain chemical (cortisol?) being a bit higher in the morning. Also just waking up and knowing you have another day, especially if days are rough with anxiety, can cause some anxiety.

It's just weird, once I get through the morning I'm usually fine all day.