View Full Version : Needing help

05-31-2012, 03:06 AM
Argh I don't know how much longer I can take this I'm constatey light headed and freaking out and worry and I'm soooooooo scared of my vision going funny and having a panic attack and I feel like there is something really wrong with me and I'm going to die :(

05-31-2012, 04:55 AM
The first thing, you'll be fine, there is nothing wrong you with.
Anxiety can cause a number of symptoms or feelings, and it seems you are getting yourself in a state. The more you worry about these feelings the worse you will feel. You just need to try to take a step back and although very much easier said than done, relax or try to, take a deep breath.
Are you currently on any medication for anxiety? And maybe you should try a few things that ease it. I don't know of many, in much detail yet as I'm also trying to find different alternatives to medicine.