View Full Version : what helps you?

05-31-2012, 01:20 AM
Hi everyone ....I'm just wondering what's helps ease and helps you get over a panicky situation....my main things are chest pain which turns into like full blown "thinking I'm having a heart attack" panic...just the plain ole can't take a deep breath so I "can't breath" panic...the can't swollow or having a hard time swollowing because I'm concentrating on it to much "my throat is closing up " panic...and then the pressure in my head, dizzy, pass out feeling "brain aneurism " panic....do any of you have any of these "symptoms " that cause you to feel panicky? ? And if so, what have you found that seems to help and or ease you out of the attack??? I'm really searching for things that help as I am willing to try anything because my er Co pays are getting redic and I'm sick to death of taking a prn alprazolam every time as most of you know it tends to happen more in a day than once or twice sometimes...
Thanks I super appreciate anything :)

05-31-2012, 04:22 AM
Hi, when i get like that i constanlty repeat to myself that theres nothing wtong. Fearing the panic just makes it worse because your panicking over havimg a panic. I know its hard but when it happens tell yourself to relax and that the sypmtoms will soon pass. Try counting back in 3's from 300 aswell as this will keep u focused on something else other than the panic

05-31-2012, 04:15 PM
What helps me to get out of a panic attack,is get up and do something distracting. Sometimes I'll just go rearrange stuff around the house,clean,or play a game. Games are great. If you stay busy,it's pretty hard to get panic attacks. I also breathe into a paper bag to regulate my breathing. That is mostly why you get symptoms that extreme. Cause your not breathing right! I would tell a person you live with(if you don't live alone)about your anxiety and what they can do to help you calm down. To help avoid the er visits. Hope my tips help

Blair Malcolm
05-31-2012, 04:25 PM
You have to have unwavering faith that nothing health related is happening to you. Once you grasp that you can ride through it. Listen to music, watch a TV show, play a video game, go for a walk. Do anything that needs your undivided attention and it will disappear.

05-31-2012, 04:31 PM
Like mentioned above, if a panic attack hits me I will try and distract myself. Usually TV or the computer doesn't work, so I will walk around and clean up my apartment. Sometimes I'll drink water and walk around a bit.

The best thing for me is thought countering. Just repeating to myself that "This is not a heart attack, this is purely anxiety. There is NOTHING to be afraid of. I am totally safe."