View Full Version : Shooting pains

05-31-2012, 12:41 AM
I've been having shooting pains on my left arm and my right arm and sometimes in my leg and on my left shoulder... Should I be worried? Or is this some what normal for anxiety?

05-31-2012, 01:25 AM
I forgot to say that I haven't been having really bad panic attacks and it still seems to be there even when I'm not anxious? Is it still anxiety.? Even when I'm not in any panic

05-31-2012, 01:46 AM
It sounds like it is still panic just not what your use to..I know when I feel something and get worried I start to feel this and that and this and it just freaks you out and gets your adrenaline going and then your adrenaline gets trapped in thoes muscles and starts all kind of wacky sensations and pains...I her the same thing alot! Prob doesn't hurt to see a Dr once about it, I know with me I panic and freak out about pains like that until a Dr checks me out....then it really eases your mind when u get the clear and the pains kind of diminish over a short time...good luck