View Full Version : I dont know wht to do anymore..:(

05-30-2012, 07:58 PM
I am 15 and my doctors can't find anything wrong. I always feel like I'm in a dream everything is always surreal. My therapist and I found that I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder. , but I just I can't do anything with out feeling like I'm going to die or something is gonna happen and nobody will do anything!! It's obviously a mental thing, but it's so strong that it makes it feel like its really happening. I need help and if I get put on meds all it will do is fix the surface problems. I am on Valerian Root and when I don't take it, it just makes it feel like things aren't better I can't miss a day or it will make me feel worse then I am.. I just, what if there is really something wrong, but the doctors are to ignorant to help fix me!? I don't know..please help

05-31-2012, 05:08 AM
The feeling of unreality was the scariest thing I've had in association to my agoraphobia and anxiety. It's feels as thought it will never get better, and you will never feel yourself again. Derealization is caused by your mind to try and take you out of a stressful or painful situation, but it does seem to cause completely the opposite. Eventually I found, the less you think about this feeling and the more you try and relax, I know it's hard. But the more you relax and take your mind of it, the better and more 'normal' you will feel. This feeling isn't permanent. It took me around two years, to feel anywhere near 'normal' and even now, I get bouts of if, that are still pretty unsettling. But it reassures me that I know it is just simply down to anxiety and stress. Do you ever get panic attacks? And if you ever need anyone to talk to about it, to try and ease your mind. You're always welcome to talk to me! I do understand :)

05-31-2012, 06:46 AM
It's not easy to treat anxiety in a 15 y/o as ssri's have to used very cautiously in that age group but I'd ask about prozac as it approved for young folks and/or buspar. He might try a lyrica at some point but I'd ask about 10mg prozac for a while and go from there as long as you had no idealization of self harm. Keep talking with the therapist for sure. Alankay

06-08-2012, 10:38 AM
Medication does not work. My point of view, it's all a placebo.. It will only help short time you need to get down to the root of the issue and train your mind with yourself not medication..