View Full Version : Weird sensations

05-30-2012, 05:02 PM
Hey guys, just a quick question. I've been suffer from anxiety and panic disorder for the past 6 months. The other day I felt this weird sensation while I was watching tv and wanted to know if anyone has ever felt their heart do like a flip flop sound and then beat really fast or flutter. This sensation also made my back and the back of my neck feel really hot. It felt like a shooting hotness.

05-30-2012, 08:44 PM
If you have already been diagnosed with anxiety then i would just chalk it up to another symptom. If not go see your doctor about your heart issue. I get a lot of hot flashes when im having a bad day with anxiety.
From now on every time you sit on your couch and watch tv your going to be looking or thinking about those symptoms and they will happen. Just accept them and move on ;)

05-30-2012, 08:53 PM
Thank you for responding. I had a battery of tests done during a week stay at a hospital plus multiple visits with different cardiologist, neurologists, pulmonologist and dozen of visits to the ER and they can't find anything wrong. They even did a cardiac catherization.

It's just so hard to chalk it up to anxiety because these sensations are so real and strong that it makes you think that the doctors missed something and there is a serious underlying medical problem with me.