View Full Version : Feeling Trapped, glad to have found this forum

Summer Solstice
05-30-2012, 02:23 PM
Hi everyone. My anxiety has been increasing over the last year and it is becoming unbearable.
I have past experiences that include sexual assault and robbery to my home. Growing up I was in a very stable home, but my parents also have a considerable amount of anxiety.
After losing a ton of weight (and my job) last summer, I turned to drinking until I found my new job. When I found this job I finally was able to make some real money and started a great relationship :)
Unfortunately, despite all of that, my heart continues to race, my neck is in a degenerative state, and I am constantly feeling like I have to tell myself to breathe. I cry for no reason at times, I worry about EVERYTHING, and I fear the death of my loved ones. Sometimes things seem so scary that I just don't want to live.
The state of our food worries me. I am very active in the organic food movement. But people don't understand that I sit up late crying about the deaths that occur due to refined sugars and food poisoning. Being a slave to the government through illness and debt keeps me awake every night.
I have a headache as I type, which seems that its from being short of breath.
I'm very scared for the future. I can't go on this way. I am not on any medicine at this time and I am scared of medicine. I am currently on MJ and thats it.
Anyways thanks for listening I am going to read some people's posts and start making friends. *hugs all around*

05-31-2012, 05:49 AM
Hello! It's nice to meet you.
It's hard to cope with anxiety on your own, it makes you feel so much worse. So joining a forum like this really does help, I've found that already and finding that other people have the same feelings as me, helps to ease my mind. If you are scared of medicine there are lots of other things you can do and techniques you can try to ease your mind, and I'm sure a lot of people will be able to help you with this, as I'm also trying to find alternatives to medicine. C:

06-02-2012, 01:53 AM
Welcome! I just joined too, and I'm hoping this forum makes a difference. Seems you have a lot to tackle, but I wanted to share one piece of advice that my therapist taught me awhile back. Try not to think so much about the future. The fact is, we cannot see into the future, we have no idea what's going to happen, and there's not a lot we can do about it! Just do your best to set some goals and try to reach them, but by taking one step at a time, one day at time, and one hour at a time if necessary! Just worry about what you can do RIGHT NOW to put a smile on your face. I hope this helps.