View Full Version : I really need some advice.

05-30-2012, 12:14 AM
I'm 22 and own my own business for the last 3 months. I have good weeks and bad weeks. I'm having a bad week ATM. It started off getting a headache nausea and few flu like symptoms. That's when I get really anxious about my health. I start searching the net and thinking I have worse things wrong with me. The more I worry the more I feel sick.
The hard thing is, I have no one to cover me at work and I am a hairdresser with lots off appointments. I work myself up thinking about what will happen if I'm sick at work! I have lots of issues with being sick in public and other anxiety stuff. In just fed up. I don't take meds, but I go to a councillor. I'm getting to the point where I think maybe I should go on meds???

05-30-2012, 03:23 AM
Going on meds may be a good idea especially if your anxiety is impacting on your everyday life and stopping you from working or making work unbearable. My health anxiety used to be awful and I would really worry about being ill especially in public (like at work, in the shops, in the car, even at the hairdressers!). It got to the point where I became house bound for several months and only really got better after I went on meds and saw a therapist. It still worries me sometimes but I try to view it in a different way. Like asking questions such as "so what if I am ill when I am out" and "what's the worst that could happen." If you become ill when you are cutting hair try and remember that it is unlikely that will happen and if it does then what? Then you ask the client nto excuse you while you go to the bathroom. If you don't start feeling better then you simply tell the client that you don't feel very well and will have to re-schedule. No shame in that, people get ill all the time.
Having your own business as well can be really stressful and your clients rely on you so there is added pressure with that and also financial worries. It's fab that you have started up your own business but try and take time to relax and chill out if you can. If you need to take time off for awhile to get your head sorted then that is ok and I am sure your clients will understand and if not you will be able to build up another client list when you feel better.

05-30-2012, 09:48 AM
I am going through something similar, I to run my own Business, and I recently started haven panic attacks, if I don't work I don't get paid, went to emergency room, have the EKG advanced stress test blood work all the bells and whistles, because I thought I possibly had some kind heart problem going on, turned out I had a panic attack, to much of anything going on in your life could and will eventually catch up to you and depending on the individual will happen to just about everyone, I found that Xanax is a good thing but when I first started taking it it put me to sleep, 3 days later I am able to go to the store or gas interact with my customers, so I think it's something to try, so good look and I hope it helps

05-30-2012, 04:33 PM
You don't need meds. Everyone stop with the damn meds already. It's just fuckin anxiety, your nervous, and your stressing yourselves out to the point of nervous exhaustion. Come on people! You don't have a disease. You just worry too much causing your nerves to be highly sensitive where you can get the fight or flight response turned on very easily. With breathing too much through your mouth instead of calmly through your nose, you panic. Pull your heads out of the clouds and see it all for what it is. Anyone who tells you to go on meds has not been addicted to meds or doesn't understand how toxic they are. Yeah you can go on them temporarily, but what's the point? I suppose some people need them, but most people just need the proper guidance and tools and patience to heal and you can put anxiety behind you. Fear is bullshit. Just face it head on! Same bullshit panic attack every time. Every time you think you're going to die or go crazy but still nobody has yet to die or go crazy. See through this bluff. It's just a bluff.

05-30-2012, 04:53 PM
You don't need meds. Everyone stop with the damn meds already. It's just fuckin anxiety, your nervous, and your stressing yourselves out to the point of nervous exhaustion. Come on people! You don't have a disease. You just worry too much causing your nerves to be highly sensitive where you can get the fight or flight response turned on very easily. With breathing too much through your mouth instead of calmly through your nose, you panic. Pull your heads out of the clouds and see it all for what it is. Anyone who tells you to go on meds has not been addicted to meds or doesn't understand how toxic they are. Yeah you can go on them temporarily, but what's the point? I suppose some people need them, but most people just need the proper guidance and tools and patience to heal and you can put anxiety behind you. Fear is bullshit. Just face it head on! Same bullshit panic attack every time. Every time you think you're going to die or go crazy but still nobody has yet to die or go crazy. See through this bluff. It's just a bluff.

Amen! Tough love but so true. This takes work though. Its hard to talk yourself down but after doing it for a few weeks it really starts to work

05-30-2012, 05:33 PM
Ahhhhhhh from a non sufferer(obviously). I love it...fine for you........you just defeated anxiety for the planet. Congrats!!!! Close the forum!! :) Alankay

05-30-2012, 06:16 PM
Alan I don't even know what thats about. How is that beneficial and I did suffer for a while.

hopeNfaith, you are right, it does take work. Lots of work. But everyone wants quick fixes and thinks the doctor can fix them up in a matter of hours. Healing is a process. You can get much better in a matter of days, and then 6-9 months totally better. But people first need to learn what does healing anxiety really means and what is the whole anxiety thing about anyway. Knowledge is total power.