View Full Version : Switching medicines

05-29-2012, 10:30 PM
Okay so my doctor is switching my medicine from Zoloft to Prozac. She just gave me the prescription today & told me to start on it tomorrow & just stop taking the Zoloft. I took Prozac a couple years ago for about 2-3 years but still, Is it normal for her to just switch my meds like that without weaning me off the Zoloft or anything? & also even to I've already taken Prozac before I still feel like its going to cause side effects like hallucinating..that's one of my biggest fears..& how likely is serotonin syndrome? & how likely is neuroleptic malignant syndrome? Uhg the warnings & side effects make me so nervous that I actually convince myself I'm getting worse. Although I do think the Prozac worked for me before im scared it's not going to this time. How long should it take to start working? Also I'm starting off on 20mg so is that normal? Uhg I feel so scared idk what to do...

05-30-2012, 02:05 AM
Can someone give me some positive feedback before I lose my mind