View Full Version : Anxiety and playing the victim???

05-29-2012, 09:57 PM
Hi, I am new to this website. I was seeking help through the internet and wasn't sure if I have anxiety. I have these feelings for many years, but especially these two years these feelings are soo intense that I break down and cry for no reasons. When I read the anxiety symptoms on this forum I have the following common symptoms:

tingling (especially my nose and arms), feeling overwhelmed all the time, feeling insecure, feeling I am going crazy, losing control, angry all the time, I want to scream and yell my head off. My mind can't stop thinking. Lack of patience. Afraid to go outside alone. Afraid to meet people, because I am afraid of what they will think of me. I shut everyone out of my life. I am making scenes in my head of what comes next (if you know what I mean). Sometimes feels deaf in one of my ears. Sometimes there is soo much pressure in my ear that I start to feel dizzy like the world starts to spin around. Lastly, I start to breath very slowly, yet, I can feel my heart pounding...

Anxiety???? I think it is...right? However, I feel like if this is anxiety am I playing the victim then? I dont want that, because I hate that term. Yet, I feel trapped, powerless and hopeless. Does anyone have this feeling also? I don't want to go to the doctor, because I am afraid what my doctor might think. Every time I go there I feel stupid afterwards. (sorry for my bad English)

05-29-2012, 11:23 PM
Hi evryone i 've diarrhoea phobia from last 4yrs..i am in a treatment like cbt from last 1 year...some how it help me ..but it still trouble me like when i plan to travel then symptoms starts and diarrhoea begins...in exam hall too i had fear of having diarrhoe..what if happend...lot of quest kills me....plz help me...