View Full Version : Can anxiety be treated by just a chang of diet?

05-29-2012, 08:07 PM
I was wondering if anyone has treated their anxiety by just changing their diet. Meaning no meds and no therapist. I fear taking meds and I fear going to therapists. I know, i know... I need to overcome that fear, some of you have told me already that it's best to see a therapists. But I'm only wondering (and well if it's proven that your diet can help with anxiety then I'll try that lol). I understand everyone is different and what works for one person probably won't work for me, but I'm just trying everything I can first. (not saying anything is wrong with taking meds btw I'm just a scaredy cat that hates taking meds)

05-29-2012, 09:08 PM
Of course it can be treated without meds and a therapist. Many anxious people are reluctant to take meds because their anxious about everything else! Why wouldn't they be about that? Lol. I've gotten better without either. I've heard that eating less processed foods helps. You can also take natural medication. Most anxious people are lacking magnesium. This is the relaxation mineral,so it can help with staying calmer and sleeping at night. Helps me. Take magnesium citrate or chloride,not oxide because that form doesn't not absorb well. A multivitamin containing b vitamins is also helpful. Kava kava is a natural pill a little bit similiar to benzos. You could try that. Also,positive thinking and breathing techniques help. Breathing in a paper bag helps you breathe right to relieve yourself of a panic attack. Get exercise,and stay busy. Keeps the mind distracted. Hope you feel better :)

05-29-2012, 09:15 PM
I changed my diet and tried all natural ways for three months and got nowhere. My diet contains no processed foods, no dairy, no gluten and all organic. I also don't drink any alcohol or caffeine.i finally had to get over my fear of meds after all of that because I need my career. I take only 10 mg of Prozac and I still keep my diet and I'm doing awesome now. No natural pills ever helped me. I did, however, find a great site that helped me immensely with fear and anxiety. You can try Ilovepanicattacks.com

Hope you get better!!

05-30-2012, 03:32 AM
Sometimes people are just not able to get over their anxiety without meds but some others can and do with success. Unfortunately i am not one of them but I know people who have been feeling down and anxious and have made great steps with living a healthier lifestyle. I think this is important whether you are on meds or not and is one of the keys to recovery. Exercising regularly can really help but sometimes people with anxiety and depression find this very difficult. No alcohol, recreational drugs, limitted caffeine intake and keeping hydrated throughout the day is also helpful. This combined with a varied and healthy diet is great- plenty of fresh fruit and veg, freshly prepared meals (no microwave/ready meals), grains and pulses, no processed food and so on. But also allow yourself treats in moderation.
This may well help you so is worth a try. I wish I could listen to my own advice though! I barely exercise and eat a load of crap, lol!

05-30-2012, 10:52 AM
I eat healthy stuff but I eat bad stuff too. I want to experiment but it's so hard trying to eliminate sugar. I'm about 104 pounds and 5'1, my sisters roll their eyes at me when I say i'm going to start eating healthier lol. Magnesium has been suggested to me. The sad part is i'm too scared to try that too lol. But I think that's what I'll do before meds. If magnesium doesn't work then well I know what I have to do.

Buttercup, have you ever tried a paleo diet?

05-30-2012, 12:37 PM
Buttercup, have you ever tried a paleo diet?
I've never really tried any diet but i would like to lose a few pounds and become healthier. Just looked up paleo diet, looks good!