View Full Version : Extreme anxiety when doctors tell me what they're doing

05-29-2012, 04:02 PM
Hi all,
Was wondering if you could help me find a way of dealing within extreme anxiety reaction.
As far as I can remember I've had it.
If I have to give a blood sample and the nurse talks about my veins I feel feint, my breathing gets quick, I sweat excessively, and I have to be lay down to stop myself passing out. Ten minutes ish later and I'm fine. I almost coped the last time because I was distracted by my friend who explained to the nurse not to discuss anything about anything she was doing or anything in the room. This seemed to help me not pass out however the breathing was still erratic and I felt sick but at least I managed to not make a scene!
I'm due to have a major op in a few weeks. It was a bit of a shock because I went for a routine check and wasn't expecting to be told what I was.. Safe to say the doctor was trying to show me on the screen what was wrong an even tho my eyes were rolling in my head, excessive sweating, inability to speak etc he still carried on up until the point the nurse told him to stop. It took about 30mins to compose myself to get off the bed (which was saturated thru the gown and through the sheets with my sweat). He then tried to discuss things with me but my mind was blank and I could only nod. It was a good job a friend was there or I wouldn't have known what he said.
So for this op, I'm in for one or 2 days. I've read up on the op and discussed with other people who've had it what happens etc. the part I'm trying not to stress over but wondering how the hell I'm going to control my anxiety is where the doctor discusses what he's going to do and after the op what he's done. Because I know I will react in a bad way. Also the canula (spell?) that goes in ur arm... I only have to know its there an I almost pass out.
I don't want to be like this, I don't want to make a scene an as hard as I try to control or sort it I never can. Some extra tips on how to help me overcome this I just want to be able to get this done without making a scene?


05-29-2012, 04:34 PM
You can tell the doctors not to let you know what is going on as it makes you anxious, they will be fine with that. In your initial consultation they are obliged to tell you what will be happening but now you know there is no need for them to tell you exactly what they are doing on the day. Doctors are used to people freaking out and will do everything in their power to make the procedure as comfortable for you as possible. Let them know how you feel and they will be understanding.

05-29-2012, 04:49 PM
When you go to the pre op consultation, tell the doctor right when you get there about this problem. If necessary, write it down beforehand so that you can hand it over when you get there. Doctors dont mind notes just be brief about it. He can write you a script for one pill to take to calm yourself down before you go in for your surgery. Maybe even call ahead so that you can have a pill to take before the consultation. That way you can relax and pay attention to what procedures hes goin to do without panicking. Before my wisdom teeth surgery (i had to be anesthesized at a hospital for it because the IV sedation didnt work on me) my oral surgeon prescribed me one valium and it took the edge off.

05-29-2012, 04:59 PM
I agree with Buttercup. Do not be ashamed to let them know beforehand that you will be uncomfortable with hearing all the details, they will understand. I felt the same way when I was told that I would need to have a C Section. I told them that i didn't want the details and did not want to be awake.....and that is exactly what happened....it turned out fine.

05-29-2012, 05:22 PM
They can give you some tamezepam or lorazepam to sedate you a bit That is not uncommon at all. Dentists/docs do it all the time. Ask about it! Very safe too. Alankay.

05-29-2012, 07:18 PM
I get the same way when I go to the hospital or my gp Office. He wonders and always ask me why..is it the white jacket? Hmm I think it is..hate going thinking there gonna tell me something bad.. lol