View Full Version : CBT specialist

05-29-2012, 02:09 PM
Very briefly- I have had slight anxiety issues for the past few years (flight anxiety, couple issues while doing a stressful job). I was working another stressful job (no time off for months, long hours). I used to smoke a lot of marijuana when younger, but over the past year or two I have been smoking less frequently and in smaller amounts because it started to make me uncomfortable. One night (about 2 months ago) I got off work and smoked. I launched into my first real full fledged panic attack. Thought I was losing my mind, and the absolute full weight of the stress I was under came crashing down on me. Paced around for a few hours telling myself "you are just too high, it will go away, you don't need to call 911". It was horrific.

The day after I felt off. I struggled through the last few days of that job (it was temporary and ended a week later). I started facing heavy derealization issues, occasional panic attacks ranging from mild to moderate in severity. Generally the morning would be the worst- waking up in either a panic attack or moderate anxiety. During this period I was off work for the first part, and part time for the second. I remained largely functional- I could go to the store, go to work, ride the train, drive etc.

I was reliant on a daily dose of .5mg ativan for the first month or so. It would immediately take the edge off in the morning. The ativan would wear off and I would still be fine for the rest of the day. I began taking Lexapro and as it kicked in I have almost eliminated the ativan, using it once a week at most. I am much more balanced, but wake up maybe 1-2 days a week with mild anxiety. Everything is much better, I am functioning very well at a new full time stressful job, and things are pretty great.

So I am now trying to focus on therapy. I go to a generic therapist now- I think she sees all types of clients for any type of issue. I do enjoy seeing her, but things feel slow moving and through even the most basic research I feel like I know a lot more about anxiety than she does. I do leave therapy feeling better, and usually get a few good things out of it.

My question is this- Considering the level of my anxiety, would it be worthwhile to seek out a CBT specialist, or someone that specializes exclusively on anxiety? It may be slightly more expensive (but I do have insurance now). I have been working on some at-home CBT writing exercises (TEA forms).

Just looking for some basic feedback on this. Not sure if I need to make the switch because I feel like my anxiety isn't crazy bad.

05-29-2012, 02:35 PM
I think overall you should persue whatever you feel will help. The ultimate cure will come from your own effort and persistence. You'll find alot of what helps will come from your own research and understand of exactly what is happening when you feel anxious.

Above all, keep your head up, remember that it's not permanent, and you're not alone.