View Full Version : could zoloft cause sun allergy?

05-29-2012, 09:59 AM
well, i seem to have developed a sun allergy!

i've never had one before.
i've spent the past few days in the garden with the kids, and out and about in the car.

my hands have gone all blotchy, along with the top of my back and shoulders.
it's basically hives!
they are so painful...and itchy. but if i itch, they burn, which is soooooooooooooo painful!

i was wondering if sertraline could cause this 'light sensitivity'? is it possible!?

05-29-2012, 11:30 AM
Yes I think it can. Alankay

05-29-2012, 11:59 AM
Wow, that happened to me too on saturday and sunday! I have never experienced anything like it after being in the sun and I had on sun screen and hadn't burned! My chest and arms were covered in red itchy lumps- I looked like I had a disease! I slapped on loads of calamine lotion (which i put in the fridge so it's really cold) and took an anti-histimine. Thery have settled down now thankfully! Only thing is I am not on zoloft! Am on citalopram and beta blockers but sunbathed before on them without a problem. Who knows but I feel your pain!

05-29-2012, 12:16 PM
well i tried germolene, and this other stuff off the doctor for rashes and stuff (which i got for my son), and an anti histamine. nothing worked.
they had died down a bit this morning when i woke up. still visible, but not bothering me nor were they inflamed.

when the sun came out today though, they've inflamed again and are itching like mad ...and burning when i scratch them :(