View Full Version : There is hope!

05-29-2012, 12:34 AM
Hello friends! I am writing to give you some insight into some recent relief I have found in my anxiety battle. I recently purchased a book called The Mood Cure by Dr. Julia Ross. I am not one to buy books on issues like this but after extensive research and reading the numerous positive reviews on amazon I decided to give it a shot. If you are interested I suggest you search for the book on Amazon and read the over 100 reviews and then decide for yourself. In short, this book explains the various things that control our mood such as diet, exercise, vitamins ect. A main focus of the book is the use of amino acids to not only relieve but cure anxiety, depression, and other mental issues.

So far I have implemented two simple suggestions and they have helped tremendously. Come to think of it I haven't had a panic attack in a few weeks.

1) Diet! You are what you eat. She suggests eat at least 20-30grams of protein with each meal. Lay off the sugar, starches, and caffeine. I was previously having a bagel and cream-cheese each morning. It would satisfy my but little did I know breads are high in sugar and after jacking up your morning blood sugar it drops it way down. This alone can kick up symptoms of anxiety. I now try to have 3 hard boiled eggs for breakfast along with some carbs like potatoes and maybe a little milk or fruit smoothie. I have a Cliff bar for between breakfast and lunch and then either fish or lunchmeat sandwich for lunch. For dinner I try to have either fish or some other type of meat for dinner with some carbs and veggies. This alone has made me feel so much better. Not only does it stabilize your blood sugar but these protein rich foods are full of amino acids. These amino acids are what creates serotonin (happy) and gaba (calm) in our brain.

2) The first supplement I decided to try was magnesium. If you google magnesium and anxiety you will be amazed at the positive research. I found a product called natural calm magnesium. It is highly absorbable and based off the amazon reviews people swear by it for all sorts of things. I recommend searching Natural Cam magnesium on Amazon and read the reviews for yourself. I have noticed a huge difference in my anxiety levels as well as my sleep.

My next course of action will be to add all of the essential vitamins into my edit. These include a multi, fish oil, b complex, calcium, and vitamin c.

After that I will try out the amino's. Gaba with b-6 is supposed to really help those suffering with anxiety. There is also a product called True Calm by Now Foods which I hear is great.

I don't have any connection with any of these companies im just a college kid trying to share some info with fellow sufferers. I encourage you all do research amino acids, especially gaba, and their effects on anxiety. Feel free to ask any questions, I will answer what I can. I will keep you updated with my progress. I am determined to beat this thing once and for all!

05-29-2012, 12:56 AM
Wow... that Natural Calm has RAVE reviews on Amazon.... like this stuff is the nectar of the gods or something...

I was wondering if this would be fine to take while on an SSRI (lexapro). I'm not quite ready to take the medicine-free leap yet as I'm in a particularly stressful time at work and can't risk anything shaky, but I'd love to try this as I've still been a bit anxious.

Google tells me magnesium sulfate and saliclyate can interact negatively, but I think this is citrate? Anyone know?

05-29-2012, 01:23 AM
Can you take Magnesium along with a multiple vitamin?

05-29-2012, 01:49 AM
I am not medical expert by far but I would think magnesium would be safe to take with most things. I would ask your doctor or a pharmacist to be sure. Taking it with a multi vitamin should be fine, I would take it at a different time of the day though. Multis already have magnesium but it is such a small and poorly absorbed amount. The Mood Cure recommends taking both a multi and the magnesium so I would say your okay. I do believe the natural calm is magnesium citrate. If you purchase it I suggest starting with small doses and working your way up. I started with 1/2 teaspoon and then went up to 3/4. When I got to 1 teaspoon it seemed to give me some "bowel movements". Magnesium is known to do that in high doses but everyones body is different.

05-29-2012, 01:51 AM
Also, stress and anxiety can use up the bodys magnesium reserves so it might take a little bit of time to feel the effects. For me it has been within a few days.