View Full Version : Exercise/paxil

05-28-2012, 11:42 PM
I just wanted to give you guys an update:

I've on Paxil for about 2 months now and it has really helped me a lot!! I do feel like there's an inner peace inside of me...I still feel symptoms of anxiety however they are not even close to as bad compared to how they were at first...

Exercise: I have been exercising a lot! Today I did 3 workout sessions in one day! I feel like an excess of adrenaline pumping so I find the need to exercise to burn it off! It helps a lot! Do any of you guys feel like you NEED to exercise to feel calm and burn the adrenaline off?

05-29-2012, 01:00 AM
I'm in the same boat- Been taking Lexapro, it's kicked in, much more peaceful with occasional anxiety that is not even close to as bad.

A day after I reaaaally started to feel good, I went to work out. I'm not fit at all, so I take it real easy- just did 20 minutes of moderate exercise on the elliptical. Sparked a pretty bad panic attack. I've worked out 3 times since getting anxiety and twice it spiked my anxiety pretty bad.

It's that endorphin rush that just puts me over the edge- get major disconnected, intoxicated feelings.

Hoping to revisit working out very soon.