View Full Version : irregular heartbeats, near fainting and anxiety

05-28-2012, 06:57 PM
My Name is David. I have had anxiety for 10yrs. under control most of the time. Lexapro for 7yrs. 10mg and now 20mg last two years. Funny thing though for the last month. 1st time nearly fainted once. Came back to normal within 20 seconds, 2nd time I fainted. All ok after med tests. 3rd time. Just lying down I felt an irregular heartbeat hit and then I felt like I was going into a dream state where It felt like I was not in my body. That lasted around 2-3 minutes. I spent 4 days in the Hospital taking tests for my heart. Still found nothing. Did I have panic attacks? I hear you don't faint with panic attacks? Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Thank you!

05-28-2012, 07:08 PM
Poor you, sounds really scary. Did the doctors say they thought anxiety caused it? With panic attacks anything is possible! It's not common for people to faint when they have an attack but it can and does happen. Basically the fight/flight response that panic induces becomes a bit too much and the body temporarily shuts down. It's frightening but if all your tests are negatived I'd put it down to a panic attack.

05-28-2012, 08:07 PM
Thank you for your reply! My Doc says 90% anxiety.

05-28-2012, 08:08 PM
Poor you, sounds really scary. Did the doctors say they thought anxiety caused it? With panic attacks anything is possible! It's not common for people to faint when they have an attack but it can and does happen. Basically the fight/flight response that panic induces becomes a bit too much and the body temporarily shuts down. It's frightening but if all your tests are negatived I'd put it down to a panic attack.

Thank you for your reply! My Doc says 90% anxiety.

05-29-2012, 02:24 AM
Actually buttercup , my doctor says its quite common for fainting. Sometimes people won't because their heart rate and the adrenaline , but others will. Ive had the near fainting thing , gladly I can calm myself a little because of fear I will pass out. My face feels all weird I feel numb and I feel outside of my body kinda also. Sorta like I'm dead , lol. My doctor said its anxiety.

05-29-2012, 08:53 AM
Actually buttercup , my doctor says its quite common for fainting. Sometimes people won't because their heart rate and the adrenaline , but others will. Ive had the near fainting thing , gladly I can calm myself a little because of fear I will pass out. My face feels all weird I feel numb and I feel outside of my body kinda also. Sorta like I'm dead , lol. My doctor said its anxiety.

Thank you for your reply. At least I know I'm not alone.

05-29-2012, 06:03 PM
Omg finally someone else who has experienced the numb, out of body, feels like death feeling.

05-29-2012, 06:22 PM
Did you actually faint or you just thought you were going to faint? I mean did you really just drop to the floor and pass out?