View Full Version : a bit of inspiration

05-28-2012, 04:43 PM
Hi guys, just a little post that might give you hope that you can overcome. I'm living with anxiety at the mo and this weekend i was faced with 2 very stressful situations for me. I took part in race for life and although suffering an anxiety attack because of the crowd and being no where near a toilet, i overcame my fear and managed to take part in the race. My boyfriend then asked me to meet his parents. Just the thought of it made me have an anxiety attack to the point where i couldnt leave the house as my anxiety badly affects my stomach. After fighting with myself and my stomach for 2hrs i bit the bullet and got into the car and drove to the pub. My boyfriend met me in the car park where he found me shaking like a leaf. After 10 mins of reassurance i then went into a crowded pub and sat with his parents. The anxiety was there but with positive thinking i controlled it and had a great night. Although terrified i refused to let the anxiety beat me and i pushed myself. I'm so proud of what i achieved yesterday and although the anxiety is still there i know it can be overcome. I hope this gives some of you a little hope x
P.s- bach flower remedies really help and for those of you that believe in the use of crystals, wear yellow jasper x

05-28-2012, 05:50 PM
That is great.. I know how you feel I have been dealing with this for 9 years and I know it is hard but the only way for me to get through this is too push myself to get through things and once it is done I feel wonderful.. That is a great step you have taken and you should be proud

05-28-2012, 05:57 PM
Well done, that's amazing! You should be really proud of yourself. I love hearing stories like this, it gives me hope!

05-29-2012, 01:27 AM
Thanks guys x