View Full Version : I really dont believe all of this is anxiety. What do you think?

05-27-2012, 04:48 PM
I honestly think my doctors are wrong. But, I'll explain what I'm going through. They claim this is all from anxiety:

Itchy skin
Muscle spasms and twitches
Body tremors
Weakness and Numbness in various parts of my body
Tingling tongue
Upset stomach
Occasional diarrhea
Head pressure
Numbness and headache in right side in heat
Weak legs in heat
Ear ringing
Internal tremors

Every day I have some combination of these symptoms. This has been going on the last two months. I've been to the ER three times thinking I was going to have a stroke or die. I had blood work and a urine test done and nothing comes out wrong. Other doctors I talk to say its anxiety over and over again. But I'm worried it's the early stages of some disorder or diseases. I just don't want it to be too late. My question is "Does anyone suffer anxiety this bad or horrible?","How do you cope?",etc. Also, I don't know if this will be helpful but I was on Geodon back in March and I quit it after two weeks at 20 mg. I had an adverse reaction. Do you think this could be part of it? I don't know I'm at my wits end. I'm a young lady in my twenties. I don't want feel like this forever. Any suggestions or feedback will be helpful? Thanks. The sad part is I have no insurance.

05-27-2012, 05:24 PM

In god we trust . You not trusting much there .

Look the list on the top with all the symptoms , i had 95% of them at my worse .

Every one on your list i have had .

Why can you not accept its anxiety ??

Do you see anxiety solely as a mental problem , is this the problem ??

You do much googling ? Dont lie :)

cheers kev :)

I do trust God. I just think I have too many symptoms to trust doctors just saying its anxiety when I have all of them at once for the last two months. I am concerned that's why I google. You know several illnesses and anxiety have many similar symptoms. Did your symptoms go away?

05-28-2012, 01:44 AM
First Stop your googleing . It is going to drive you crazy . been there done that .

Yes there are many things that can be covered by anxiety sysmptoms but there are also many test that are done and assessments that are done before someone is told that it is anxiety .

Anxiety is not just a mental problem . It doesnt mean your stuffed in the head .

Anxiety is the word that is given to the thinking side of it . The thinking side is more often than not one of two things . First it is a symptom , just as Occasional diarrhea can be . Your brain is as much as a part of the body as the big toe . It may help with thinking but it is also a biological part of the body and when it is effected by stress it will show symptoms , again just like you big toe.

Your symptoms list i could tell you what each one is and the reason behind them . But they are all anxiety related and the googleing is feeding you into believe it is something else . Google is Not a doctor and in fact full of shit on many things and most often sites are trying to sell something or another .

Ok so i know why you dont believe its anxiety and why you think it may be something else . But let me tell you why it is anxiety and why there is so many symptoms .

Anxiety is stress with in the body . It is this stress that is stimulation the body , in fact it simulating the nerves . Now as the nerves run and are attached to every thing in the body from your hair on your ears to the hair on your big toe , then it will also effect every thing and it often does .

Did my symptoms go away ? At this stage i still have a few , but they do not worry me as i know what they are . It takes time and the first step is accepting it is anxiety and the second step is working on reducing the stress in your body .

Go get a book called Hope and help for your nerves by Dr Weekes . Read it and see if she is not writing as if she was talking about you .

cheers kev :)

Thanks for the advice and book suggestion. I will definitely check it out. Okay, you said you could tell me why I experience certain symptoms. Can you explain my horrible heat headaches and sensitivity to light. I get horrible pains on my right side of head in sunlight. Is that anxiety?

05-28-2012, 02:34 AM
In response to your last question, I think that the heat headaches and light sensitivity can definitely be put down to anxiety.

When I am at my most tense, I get terrible headaches on the left side of my head, right behind the eye. When suffering from high anxiety or stress I become hypersensitive, not just to things like light, but smell and temperature. Even going outside on a warm day with no breeze could take me straight to anxiety-land because I would feel like I couldn't breathe.

You HAVE to accept your anxiety before you can get better. Every one of the symptoms you listed in your first post, I have experienced at some point on my journey through this.

My advice is to see a Doctor and get yourself a referral for a psychiatrist or psychologist to figure out if medication can help you. It has been a godsend for me, but everyone is different. You need to see someone with expertise in this field.

Have hope, once you accept that it is the anxiety that needs to be treated, you can and will get better.

05-28-2012, 03:34 AM
I honestly think my doctors are wrong. But, I'll explain what I'm going through. They claim this is all from anxiety:

Itchy skin yes for me
Muscle spasms and twitches yup - to the point i thought i was having some form of seizure
Body tremors
Weakness and Numbness in various parts of my body my legs get weak at times, and i get numbness in hands, face, and tongue
Fatigue i don't know what it's like to not be fatigued
Tingling tongue goes along with the numbness at times
Upset stomach sometimes yup
Occasional diarrhea
Head pressure again, i thought seizures
Numbness and headache in right side in heat i suffer from terrible migraines. drink plenty of fluids when its hot
Weak legs in heat weak legs with or without heat
Ear ringing quite alot
Internal tremors quite alot

Every day I have some combination of these symptoms. This has been going on the last two months. I've been to the ER three times thinking I was going to have a stroke or die. I had blood work and a urine test done and nothing comes out wrong. Other doctors I talk to say its anxiety over and over again. But I'm worried it's the early stages of some disorder or diseases. I just don't want it to be too late. My question is "Does anyone suffer anxiety this bad or horrible?","How do you cope?",etc. Also, I don't know if this will be helpful but I was on Geodon back in March and I quit it after two weeks at 20 mg. I had an adverse reaction. Do you think this could be part of it? I don't know I'm at my wits end. I'm a young lady in my twenties. I don't want feel like this forever. Any suggestions or feedback will be helpful? Thanks. The sad part is I have no insurance.

you really need to accept this is anxiety. trust me, once you accept it. you can start googleing anxiety, and help yourself. rather than trying to diagnose yourself with something you haven't got.
i would also suggest going to see your doctor about anxiety!
read up about it, and ask your doctor questions about it.

i have had all kinds of tests done when i've thought i had this or that, and everything comes back ok all of the time.
i am healthy, and yet i constantly think something is going wrong with me.

i've recently started on meds, and they have helped my health anxiety to the point it doesn't really exist anymore.
i still have anxiety, but i don't think i'm dying all of the time now!

just to add: i think it's common for those with anxiety to battle the doctors about it for a while before they finally accept it.
i think it's down to the fact anxiety isn't actually physically visible, like a gash to the leg would be.
if you had a gash on your leg, you would go and get it seen to.
when we have a wound in our head, we tend to just forget about it, not really knowing something is wrong.
when we are told there is something, it's hard to believe as we can't see it...trust your doctor!