View Full Version : i hate high school

01-24-2007, 09:11 PM
i just wanted to say i hate school really bad..and i feel like these are dopoused to be the years of y life but there not..i relle unhappy and my anxiety and stress levels are outthe roof...i feel trapped the only hope i have is college but it deppreses to think that what if i don't get better and no matter where i go or what i do i always be so unhappy...and even if i do get happy i can never appreciate it because i feel like ive wasted so many years of my life and a after a very breif period of "hapiness" and calmness i get even more dppresed then i was b4 because i reilize i could'ev been happy long ago and i've wasted my youth like this..i kno i should live int he present and not the past..but it pains me to think of how my life coul'ev been if i wasn't like this..and i grew up normal..somtimes i wish god would'ev just made me normal..i feel like a reak..most of the time i'm proud of who i am deep down because i know im a great genuine nice person..but i can never bring it out enough so other people can see it in me and help me feel better about myself...idk im jusr so confused, deppresed and stressed out..and ven more so because of school and having to think about college..and knowing i need to pull my grades up or else im never gonna get anywhere...i feel like crying right now..but i never would let it out because..i would feel like a little b@#$% afterwords :( :cry: :oops: :| :roll: :evil: :shock: :x :?

01-25-2007, 02:06 AM
I hated school too, the pressure from parents and teachers, plus the pressure from friends to do social stuff it sucks, I think it is because we dont have a choice. You are not a freak, you are a normal teen and the unhappiness is depression. Dont worry it will only make things worse. College helped me a lot but try not to be so hard on your self let all this unimportant stuff wash over you. Grades arn't everything. I got below average grades now I am an I.T. consultant and Webdesigner, I work for myself. I have had no end of different jobs and could never have known at school what I wanted to do. Try to remember it is a long life, you never know what is around the corner.

Stay Strong.


V for Victor
01-25-2007, 08:30 AM
Yes, what Jitters said.

I struggle with the same feelings, that I wasted my youth, and that these are supposed to be the best years of my life, etc... But the truth is, we're going through something that can do amazing things in character building, if you approach it correctly.

You can learn to overcome, or at least work around, your anxiety/depression. If you haven't done so, you may want to speak with a doctor about going on medication temporarily, and maybe getting involved with some therapy.

If you're not ready to do that, I would suggest maybe doing some research on anxiety and depression, to help you pinpoint exactly what you have, like Social Anxiety Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, etc.

Don't worry, you'll get through it. :)

01-26-2007, 05:46 AM
I go through the same things in college. Will I pass my LSAT, am I doing all of this for nothing. I think my degree will give me self-satisfaction, but what if it doesn't and as soon as I get it, will I just find something else to use as a "if I had that I would be happier" type of obsession. Is school an obsession?

I also think that as long as I'm doing something that benefits me (and possibly others in the future) without hurting anyone else in the process, then how can I go wrong and how could that possibly be a waste of time?

The more educated we are, the better off we are in my opinion.

If it helps, college is much better than high school. So keep your grades up so you get there easier.

Most importantly, you are GOING TO BE FINE. TRUST ME.

01-26-2007, 12:38 PM
hey thanks for all this...i hope college is easier and i do finanly find happiness...even though college is prolly alot more stressfull..idk..i just hope i can go about my life and not feel like pople are watching me and judging me like i do right now in hgih school...

01-27-2007, 01:40 AM
You kinda remind me of how I am. I wasted 2 years of my youth not coming out of my house. Being home-educated. Its really hard right now. Its my Junior year in high school and I basically got friends but sometimes I just don't feel like socializing because I think about what lies ahead and stuff. Like working and college. Im 16, I need to get a job soon. I think it'll prepare me for the future and make me a responsible person. How old are you by the way ? I just think if I can't do this and get a job, WHAT AM I GONNA DO IN THE FUTURE ? NOTHING !

01-27-2007, 09:58 AM
High school....high school SUCKS.
I don't know anyone who remember that as the BEST TIME of their lives. Who said that?
They're obviously the toughest years, in which you struggle to relate to others WHILE STRUGGLING TO BECOME AN INDIVIDUAL. People who don't find it hard are people who homologate. Not individuals. Therefore not interesting.

Keep it tough.