View Full Version : Is my medication working? Wellbutrin

05-27-2012, 01:32 PM
So I was diagnosed with anxiety round about 3 years ago. Am currently on Wellbutrin now 300mg a day. I still feel a bit on edge all the time and can get emotional during dramas on tv or in the movies. Never had that problem prior to getting on medication.

I have only been on one other medication before so don't really know how I'm suppose to feel.

Is this just how it's suppose to be from now on? Or, do I need t change up my meds?

05-29-2012, 01:03 PM
I think it varies a lot based on your specific anxiety. I would definitely recommend talking to your psychiatrist about what the expectations are as far as treatment. Should you be aiming for being anxiety free? Or simply lessen the severity of it? You can also talk about the increase emotion.

I still feel on edge at times with Lexapro, and have mild panic attacks on occasion, but it's been far less bad as it was before, and I am fully satisfied with the drug and dose.

05-29-2012, 05:17 PM
Bottom line ......are you happy with the way you feel? Few get free of any anxiety but is your anxiety under such control that anxiety is not a large factor in daily life? Has the med reduced it so anxiety does not really interfere with normal or very near normal functioning?
Few find any med(s) really eliminates anxiety(every body feels some believe it or not) so yes, setting the expectation is hard. Set the bar fairly high and see how much you benefit along with all non med means.
I've been ssri's since 1992 and "as needed benzos since 1981 and still get some anxiety during high stress, etc. I feel I can stand some anxiety and for one with a disorder, that's probably's going to be the case to some extent. But it is no where near the anxiety/panic I felftbefore treatment, meds and education. Much better but not free from anxiety!!!!!!! :) I bet that is quite common with folks with anxiety disorders. Alankay

05-30-2012, 09:54 AM
Cool. Thanks.

I pretty much knew that being a little on edge is just something I have to deal with. That's fine with me just wanted to hear it from someone else.

Definitely Have to stay on medication. Tried to not take any meds for a few months. It's kinda weird but I could totally deal with my anxiety, but it was effecting me in other ways I didn't know it would. At times I couldn't do even the simplest problem solving like 1+1 =2. But then a bit later I would be fine. Had Ramon memory loss. My calculus 2 class for example; was failing every test because I could recognize what the problems were. Got back on meds and got a 91% on the final. Yippy for me!

Welp thanks again