View Full Version : Dreams vs reality

05-27-2012, 09:55 AM
Help me someone. For the past could of months I have been freaking out that I am one day going to turn Into someone who has schizophrenia. So the last month or so I have been dreaming really vivid dreams and now I keep getting scared that I am not going to know what's real or a dream anymore. Am I just being silly or can I really get schizo and become crazy. HELP ME

05-27-2012, 10:44 AM
There are positives to being schizo.

For example; if you get caught stealing something from the shop - you can simply say it wasn't you... it was your alternative self, lol

Sorry. Not a laughing matter.

You need councilling and/or therapy I suggest, maybe cognitive therapy to change the way you think.

Rest assured that just by worrying about turning schizo isn't going to make you schizo - but it will drive you bonkers, so you need some professional help - which you MUST NOT be scared of, because it darn well works :-)

05-27-2012, 10:51 AM
Lol that was pretty funny. I actually do see a therapist for my anxiety but I don't see him for another two weeks so I wanted some reassurance on here. :) my therapist tells me time and time again that I am not a schizo but I don't understand why I can't get it out of my head.

05-27-2012, 10:58 AM
... an example down side is that you might sit down for a meal and order your favourite, but then your alternative self says they don't want that.
What do you do then eh?

Worst case scenario - you might even end up in a fight with yaself in the restaurant. Could be embarassing... for BOTH of you.

You're simply having COMPLETELY and UTTERLY irrational thoughts that are clearly consuming you.
And... they ARE just irrational thoughts. Nothing more, nothing less.

After you've been told this 437 times by your therapist, you may actually believe them!

Chin up hon, you'll be FINE!

10-29-2012, 08:57 PM
I read your posts about your obsessive thoughts of your children an I have the same issue. I also have a fear of becoming psycho, a schitzo, falling into a psychosis and so on. I have found this is a common thought among most of us with irrational fears and anxiety. So you are not alone :) how are you managing with you thoughts ?

10-30-2012, 05:20 AM
I read your posts about your obsessive thoughts of your children an I have the same issue. I also have a fear of becoming psycho, a schitzo, falling into a psychosis and so on. I have found this is a common thought among most of us with irrational fears and anxiety. So you are not alone :) how are you managing with you thoughts ?

I have these exact same fears and it sends me into a panic. Thankfully it does seem to be a common fear, but I wish no-one had to deal with it as it is not nice.