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05-27-2012, 12:37 AM
Having tightness in my upper middle part of back an shortness of breath...a little worried

05-27-2012, 01:07 PM
if you have pulled your back or hurt your ribs in anyway - those can cause breathlessness.

hope you're feeling better now!

05-27-2012, 02:03 PM
Havent pulled my back that I know of...burning sensation also with the tightness ..I don't know if I should go to the er

05-27-2012, 02:32 PM
You can go if it would give you peace of mind, but sounds like GERD and anxiety to me. Take a pepcid or zantac and see if that helps you. Also if you are really anxious right now your muscles are tense which causes chest wall pain i get it all the time and swear that im dying but nope im always ok its always anxiety.

05-27-2012, 03:11 PM
i always get chest pain that hurts when i breathe in. it always makes me think something is seriously wrong! i'm starting to get used to it now though, and i can see a huge difference in the pain from when anxiety is there and when it is not.
it is alot more painful with anxiety. obviously, anxiety in itself can cause chest pains.

maybe you just have a bit of a bad back, and anxiety is causing the chest pains?

i know after i gave birth to my youngest, i had excruciating pain in my back, and when i breathed in. to the point, it would have been alot easier if i just wasn't breathing anymore!
the pain was that bad i was actually crying (it takes an awful lot to make me cry). i gave birth no problem!!
anyway, the nurse gave me peppermint tea, claiming it might have been indigestion. that didn't work...it just eventually went away on its own. after many hours!

so could it maybes be indigestion?