View Full Version : Jus diagnosed

05-26-2012, 11:17 PM
Was jus recently diagnosed with anxiety. I have never had an issue with it before now. I did make a major life change that was very hard and have been kinda depressed since. Could this b why I'm having bad attacks. I had an attack that last almost a week. Has anyone ever had one this long?

05-26-2012, 11:40 PM
I don't think you had an "attack" that lasted a week... although I'm sure it hasn't been fun. I believe it would be impossible to sleep or eat during an "attack".

Life changes can definitely spur anxiety. If it's bad enough, seek therapy. Just focus on the positive parts of the change, how the future will be better, and think about what part of the change is making you anxious and address the issues.

05-27-2012, 01:13 AM
My very first bout of anxiety - 4 years ago - I had attack after attack over the course of a week or so. I couldn't eat, relax, be left alone, watch tv or go in a car, sleep. I was crippled by it. I had to go to work with my partner because I couldn't be by myself. It was so embarrassing.

Looking back, I guess it was the shock of the first major attack and the subsequent anticipatory anxiety. It was one of the worst times in my life and it was very hard to snap out of.

With the help my of Doctor and trusty Valium, I started to feel better day by day up until the point where I could start to function like a normal person.

My advice; try to keep busy. Don't let this put your life on hold because that is buying into anxiety and will make it stronger. Cut out on stimulants like coffee and vitamin B and most importantly talk to a Doctor - preferably a psychiatrist or psychologist to help you work through this.

It is possible to get better. You aren't alone in what you're experiencing.

05-27-2012, 10:51 AM
Sounds like a sick & sordid mix of anxiety and depression to me. They are related & both stem from a general, crappy feeling or worry.

I agree with seeking therapy... sooner rather than later!

05-27-2012, 02:48 PM
Congratulations! You have just been diagnosed with a 100% curable behavioral disorder and now you can be assured that your weird symptoms you get are not dangerous. Just caused from anxiety. Now go up to the top of this forum and read the stickies and you can begin the road back to a non anxious happy life.

Good luck!

05-27-2012, 03:54 PM
They have tried different meds like Paxil which made me stop breathing Zoloft in which made me more nervous Prozac which made me very mean. I am now taking celxa which is making me feel normal. I haven't had a bad attack since the week long symptoms I guess u could call it. They did give me Ativan for when I feel the chest pain which helps it from getting extreme. I'm trying to get through without taking them. I have had a lot of worries I'm trying to fix. I have moved back to where I was originally at where I was happy n have 2 jobs lined up. Hoping this will help me. It's hard not to think about when it's gna happen again cuz it freaked me out so bad. My chest starts hurting n it freaks me out even worse. I'm trying to jus breathe and tell myself it's jus anxiety it will pass n a few. I'm a mom of 3 I can't let this take over my life so I'm trying my hardest to make it better. Has anyone here been on celexa for their anxiety?

05-27-2012, 06:34 PM
I've never had terrible anxieties that lasted for a week straight. But I've gone through long stretches of time where I'd feel quite nervous for much of that time.

05-27-2012, 08:50 PM
I completely understand you!
I have not had an attack in about 7 yrs., until..............6 days ago. I think I just burned myself out.
Regardless, about 6 days ago it happened. Woke up with shortness of breath and totally freaked out.
Who wants to wake up with shortness of breath? That would send anyone into a panic ;)
Anyway, for the last 6 days I have had one anxiety attack after another. Multiples one through the day.
But..........as the days go on I get progressively better. Saw my Doc 2 days after the initial attack. She gave me
a Xanax script (.25 mg). I was taking 2 a day, then it went down to 1 a day, and now today I haven't even taken one.
So it does get better. :)

05-27-2012, 08:56 PM
How did u get to where u didn't have an attack for 7 years? Man I'd love to wake up normal feeling again no pain no pressure no shakiness and no odd feelings.

05-27-2012, 09:02 PM
I don't know really, because I'm an over-achiever, I'm an educator turned stay at home mom who homeschools 2 kiddies for 5 years now, I run a homeschool group w/78 members planning field trips, run my kids to sports and extra-curriculuar, and we just moved out of state 2 years ago to a state w/no family and friends to give our kids a better quality of life. Maybe I've been too pre-occupied to notice anxiety. LOL! I'm a terrible sleeper, and I think that is what triggered it. Lack of good sleep for so long with all of the extra's I do, and it finally hit me. My husband is a PA (Physician's Asst), so you can imagine I have driven him crazy with the "what ifs" of my situation. ;) But he is also a good person to talk to. So he does help and has helped me get through this week. I just keep telling myself it's going to be ok. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Everyone is different. Everyone can handle different amounts on their plate. This was my breaking point I suppose.