View Full Version : ..hi new here.. really bad anxiety.. looking for similar peo

01-24-2007, 06:27 PM
..hi my name is chris and i just turned 16 last month.. i live in nh and have a lot of problems i think all relating to my anxiety.. well first off i don't really know how to explain this, but my biggest problem is that I am not in touch with my self and my thoughts or anything.. i had been through a lot when i was younger and never had any one to talk to about those things, so now I think that is why I am this way because of that.. well to better clarify my problem I don't know what's going on in my head.. i'm not in touch with my thinking, my emotions, what I say, or pretty much anything.. I do not have two personalities but instead of talking to myself out loud I talk to myself in my head.. god now I sound crazy, lol, but I can't explain it.. it's like I kind of am not down to earth with my real feelings or anything.. I have many more other symptoms, a huge list, but I can't deal with any of them because I am not in touch with myself... I really need help, or at least I need to be able to talk to someone who has similar or the same problems.. that would be so great...

01-25-2007, 01:37 AM
Welcome to the board. Firstly let me say you are not alone. Many of the people on this board suffer with similar symptoms, but for most telling others on this site who understand how they are feeling helps. Anxiety sufferers tend to have very similar personality traits, luckily this means they are for the most part caring, understanding and intelligent.

If you think you can, seek professional help in the form of a therapist. Talking to someone who is objective and with whom you have no emotional connection can help. If not just feel free to vent here you'll always get a reply and you will be suprised how many people feel just as you do.

You are not crazy. A list of common symptoms can be found here:


01-25-2007, 01:50 AM
Hey Chris...

To me you sound completely normal as that is how I was all my life... dont panic too much about it (I know thats easy to say) but when you are ready you will be able to calm down and deal with these things... half the problem is thinking you are on your own with this, but like jitters says, you would be surprised how many other people feel the same... nothing is irretrievable, you just need time to deal with it in your own way and have the support you need...

Do you have anyone that you can share with now? I tell you what tho, the fact that you are sharing with us now is a huge step :)

01-31-2007, 06:10 PM
Hi, I was sixteen a few years ago, and even though I'm older, my anxiety is still just as bad! My problem is that I worry about AIDS, but then for some reason don't want to get tested, and then i worry about getting stalked, but can't tell the person calling to go away.

I'd understand your problem more if you told me what you worry about or how it feels? is it social anxiety or more of an OCD thing, like me?