View Full Version : Fainting, near fainting last four weeks

05-26-2012, 06:02 PM
Hello All,
If any of you felt this way please tell me your story and let me know if I can find help. Four weeks ago I a felt a fast dizzy spell while I was walking. It nearly made me faint. 20 seconds later I was fine. Three weeks ago I was with a client and I actually fainted. Called 911 and took me to the ER. After tests Doc said I was fine. I even took additional tests with my own Doc. Still nothing wrong. Last week I am laying on my couch when suddenly I feel an irregular heartbeat that casues me to go into a dream like state where I feel incoherant for 1 minute it goes away slowly and comes back again for 30 seconds. It finally goes away after 2 min. Off I go to the ER again and I took all the heart tests you can think of. two types of srtess test, angiogram, EKG the works. After 4 days I still have no heart problems. I come out and I am feeling foggy, anxious and occaisional irrgegular heartbeats. I know I suffer from Anxiety and I take Lexapro 20mg for the past 2 yrs. I took 10mg for 5yrs prior. Could it be my Meds? Could it be panic attacks? I have heard you don't faint from a panic attack? Please any imput would greatly be welcomed.
Thank you