View Full Version : Brain Tumour Concerns Again

01-24-2007, 01:56 PM

First of all thank you again to all the people who replyed in my last thread and the people who sent me A P.M Your support really helped.

So after feeling a little better for a few days my brain tumour fear is back along with some worrying new symptoms.

Over the last few days ive noticed ive had a headache which hasnt been extrmley painful but is still always there. Even headache tablets dont seem to help. I also have a v.annoying sort of crackling noise in my neck / back of head whn i move my head up and down. This is also accompanied by a sort of cramp feeling in one side of neck. The crackiling noise is v.worrying, even the slightest movement causes a crackling noise (the sort you get when you tense your head) I alos feel v.bunged up in my head its like im underwater as i get crackling noises in my ears. I also have a blocked up nose feeling and pain behind my ears. I thought it might be a migraine but ive never had them before. Im also extremley tired again today. My eyesight has been v.blurry / foggy again. The doc doesnt think the neck / back of head noises are anything but along with these other new symptoms im not so sure.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Has anyone had this before?

Please help if you can

Many Thanks


01-24-2007, 03:40 PM
Hi Jarv,thx for your reply to my question about dizziness.
headaches on one side, crackling & hissing noises, head under water, Ive experienced this it is anxiety. There is a thread on the second page of this section called cyberchondria. Have a look it may help.

01-24-2007, 04:05 PM
Thanks v.much ill just have a look now. My neck is also aching i hate this crap. It seems even the smallest movement will cause the crackling noise. The headaches dont seem to be only on one side but all over. Any way thank you v.much for the reply. You can send me a PM anytime if you like as im v.familiar with the problem you have.

Take care


V for Victor
01-24-2007, 05:43 PM
Hmm, the plugged up nose and aching ears sounds like you may just have some sinus congestion. With feeling like you're underwater, and the "crackling noise" when you move your head, it could just be some fluid in your sinuses. Should be nothing to worry about, unless it just doesn't go away.

I get this from time to time.

Do you have allergies?

01-24-2007, 06:07 PM
Hi Victor

Thanks for the reply. I thought it is probably sinus problems as well. I only noticed the nose and ear things today and my eyesight has been uch worse today but this may be because i feel extremley tired (just about to go to bed now!) Ive had the neck / backof head thing for a while now though which is worrying me as it doesnt seem to be going. Its not only when i move my head up and down but even comes when i move it from side to side. Just the slightest movement seems to set it off. The doc doesnt think its a brain tumour i cant remember exactly what she said but she didnt think it was a major problem.
Do you think anxiety can bring about sinus problems?
Ill reply when i can tomorrow v.tired now!

Many Thanks


01-25-2007, 01:43 AM
The crackling in your neck is normal we all get it somtimes. I dont know whether it is a tension thing or what but I know I've had it many times. Maybe it is trapped air bubbles in the fluid which lubricates the neck being compressed like when you crack your knuckles.

The other symptoms could just be a common cold, hayfever or sinus issues as stated above. Or they could just be Anxiety Related. see list of symptoms here.



01-25-2007, 03:41 AM
yep, I get crackling in my neck an awful lot and some tense pain with it... I used to find that I got an awful headache in the back of my neck (if that makes any sense?!) and it was all due to tension... I have never found that headache pills worked on my headaches, sometimes stress/anxiety ones arent all that easy to get rid of... Obviously I am not a doctor, but you seem ok... also, if the doc thinks its ok, dont worry... you seem to be having the same symptoms as alot of other people

Take care :)

01-27-2007, 06:23 AM
Had similar stuff too. I thought it was a tumor or a blood clot in my head. We need to recognize that with all probabilities it isn't anything like that. And get back to enjoy life.

01-28-2007, 07:21 AM
Hey, i've had all those symptoms too.

I think it's probably half sinus, half tension.

As so many people with anxiety get these symptoms it could be that anxiety messes with your sinuses.

01-28-2007, 10:02 AM
I can vouch for that! The past year and a half while i have had a lot of anxiety in my life, a lot of symptoms which i thought were deadly or cancer or something turned out to be 'sinusitis' it sonds made up but it's real haha! This just means i get chronic sinus infections now and usually always have post nasal drip and even headaches caused by inflamed sinuses! I do not enjoy having this but at least it was a real answer as to what was going on! I never had this problem before i started worrying like crazy so I dont' know if there is some connection but I guess it's possible. I went on antibiotics last year for like 3 weeks and knocked most of my symptoms out and my sinuses have been pretty clear since then. Now I wish I could take something to get rid of all my other aches and pains that anxiety causes me :cry: