View Full Version : Hey from the newbie!

05-25-2012, 01:28 PM

I was on a (festival) forum for yeeears so I'm not used to being a newbie :oD but I will get over it!

Sorry if this is a bit long................................

Hope everyone is alright! I have been thinking about joining a forum for anxiety for years but always thought it might have the opposite effect and make me worse by constantly reminding myself about it. The time has come though when I do constantly think and experience it and so I thought it might be quite supportive, that's what I am hoping for anyway :o)

I have been suffering from depression and anxiety for the past 12 years, it has its ups and downs, the worst times were the beginning of Uni, teacher training and teaching and the last 6 months! All times of high stress. I have seen counsellors, had CBT, been on a few medications in the past but at the moment it is awful! I haven't actually has a proper panic attack for nearly a year which is awesome but that doesn't mean I don't think about them everyday! I am exhausted! There hasn't been a day in the last 6 months where I haven't been panicy, by that I mean, trouble breathing, feeling faint, palpitations, dizzy and feeling generally weird like before I get a panic attack! I know I have well to fight off the panic attack but it has just got too much now! I am getting married in September and although I am sooooo excited and happy Im pretty sure deep down I am a bit stressed about it so that is not helping atm. I wont go into EVERYTHING because I'll be here all night.

I have an appointment for CBT in two weeks and I will do the second set of sessions but its not instant and know it makes you feel horrible to start with. I have considered medications but I don't like the look of the side effects. I have IBS (which is definitely linked with the IBS) and I'm lactose intolerant and have nut allergy and the medications I was prescribed yest contain lactose and peanut oil! Good job I checked before I bought them!

I am sorry for the long (probably boring) intro! I think what I really want to know is that one day it will actually be fine, I wont feel like this and I wont have to be scared! Hopefully I'll be able to pass on any stratergies and things that help me and I will be able to pick some up from others.

Thanks for reading! Here's to being positive.
