View Full Version : Things are meant to be ok :)

05-25-2012, 12:55 PM
I've been meaning to post this for a few weeks, and finally have a little time to do so. A few weeks ago, I was lying in bed, right in that stage between sleep and awake (it was at night), and I heard a voice whisper"Things are meant to be ok." My fiancee' was sound asleep so I know it wasn't him. I'm not sure who it was, but I think it was someone sent to help me. Like quite a few other people I've noticed on this forum, I am the most anxious when good things are happening around me. It's like I expect the worst at those times. Maybe it's because I feel like I don't deserve good things. And I worry about my health on a daily basis. But this voice assured me that my body is supposed to function normally, that's what it was made to do. And that good things happening in my life are meant to be enjoyed and cherished. I think sometimes we are our worst enemy, our own self full-filling prophecy. And thinking like that will do nothng but hurt us, hold us down, and ultimately destroy us so much that we get lost in our own mind. Life us meant to great for all of us! So, just take sone advice from a very popular song: Don't worry, be happy :)

05-25-2012, 02:20 PM
Daisy, you are 100% corrrect! You have recongized you are well, although at times anxious, but really we are all OK, just going though life like the rest of the world and even with our trials and tribluations....... are OK. That's OK. We just need to accept we will live fully live everyone else. Even though we get anxious. So will live as best we can with it(anxiety) and dispite it. Try to relax and have some faith. Keep loose, etc. :) Alankay

05-26-2012, 02:22 PM
Thank you so much for posting this daisy, it really speaks to me. When things in my life are at their most wonderful (such as now) that's when I struggle desperately with the most debilitating anxiety. You have really given me something to think about :)

05-29-2012, 06:17 AM
Hi Daisy,
I don't have enough time to post everything that I want to say but I can say thank you so much for posting this and sharing that awesome experience.
God Bless