View Full Version : Talking to your spouse about medication

05-25-2012, 10:50 AM
I have decided to take Zoloft. After 9 months of hell I have made the decision to give it a try. The only problem is that my husband is very anti any medication and even more so anti depressant. I'm just wondering if any one else out there has a spouse or parent or some one that feels the same way as my husband and how they would approach the situation and talk to them about it. Thanks for any advice

05-25-2012, 11:03 AM
My wife does not consider my anxiety as some illness, i e she is not taking it seriously. Even if i take some medication she does't care. It's the same with my relatives. What i understood is that untill a person does not go through this symptoms it's hard for them to realize how we feel.

05-25-2012, 11:32 AM
He ain't taking it, it's not his body, his mind, his symptoms so he needs to get over it. He aint' a doc is he? A therapist? The med won't harm him, you and the man next door. You may have to accept he just doesn't get it. Some folks are like that. They don't understand things they don't feel or experience. Others hear you and accept what you say. Seek those foks out to help. Alankay.