View Full Version : possible seizure

05-25-2012, 05:11 AM
So I used to always feel lik I was having a heart attack when my anxiety was high but lately i have been having a weird feeling like I'm about to have a seizure.it's comes into my head and then I'm lik oh no I'm Gona have a seizure nd start imaging the worst.just wanted to know if anyone experiences this aswel?or is this the feeling of losing control I hear others here on about?thanks.

05-25-2012, 09:06 AM
I'd say that it's almost definitely the anxiety. I used to feel a lot like that, especially as I was drifting off to sleep. I'd jerk awake and literally shake all over for 5-10 seconds as I tried to get my breath in. It felt really weird, but only happened a couple of times and passed after a couple of weeks.

However, if you are really concerned, get yourself checked out at the doctor.

05-25-2012, 07:22 PM
Thank you for your reply.i realy don't have the money to visit a doctor,way to expensive.I would realy like to know if anyone experiences this?it's hard to describe the feeling.it's nearly like I feel that my body is 2 seconds away from clenching up and shaking.I feel a little twitchy it's mostly in my head thinking I will have a seizure :(

05-25-2012, 07:56 PM
I've experienced it also. Every so often but then it goes away. Just keep my mind busy and try not to think about.
You will eventually get used to your symptoms and the whole anxiety ordeal . Just have patience and continuo with the forums it helps a lot to read these and see your not the only one who struggles with crazy thoughts And symptoms just hang in there .
Anxiety is a cruel disease . If you ever need to talk to someone pm me or message me I'm here :)

05-25-2012, 08:36 PM
I experience all the above! I fight letting myself fall asleep so i jerk awake alot too. Its startling for sure, but just one of those annoying survival tactics we dont need at the moment lol. Also the seizure thing. Thats just serious health anxiety. There are days i walk around lightheaded from hyperventilating and in my head i play a scenario in my head that im seizing on the ground or just collapsed on the ground from fainting. If u were really goin to have a spontaneous seizure you wouldnt know it ahead of time! Just remember that

05-25-2012, 08:56 PM
I have this. I've been fighting it all night actually. I'm so glad you posted because it has given me some relief.

05-25-2012, 08:59 PM
It's so scary. I'm so frustrated and I'm waiting for a fiend to get here because I'm here with my daughter and I don't want her to see me fighting this anxiety. My insides are crawling. I have a fear of taking the Xanax and Zoloft prescribed to me. I'm hoping I can make myself take it tonight. I know it takes a while for the Zoloft to take effect. This is miserable. I've been six years without an anxiety attack. I used to have the heart attack fear but now it's all neurological symptoms. I'm praying EMDR therapy treatments help.

05-25-2012, 10:02 PM
Hang in there . It's mind over matter.. The Xanax will help take the ease off.. I didn't wanna take my clonazepam cause I was scared but after dealing with it for so long I gave in and trust me it's the best feeling I've had in a long time...Just hang in there .

05-25-2012, 10:55 PM
Hey daizy! I was scared to take my meds at first. Eventually u just have to swallow it and not look back. Start with a small dose of the xanax like 0.25mg just so you can see that nothing weird will happen except your anxiety will be gone for a couple hours. You wont be high or act drunk or stumble around. You wont lose control of yourself or lose your alertness. Youll feel normal with no anxiety :) you dont have to take 2mg of xanax and be nodding out to feel relief like some people think!
As for the zoloft, it doesnt work overnight. It takes atleast a month so its not like youll take it one day then the next day be someone you dont recognize. Theres nothing to be afraid of i promise. Its like taking a vitamin and after awhile youll just feel like your anxiety is gradually going away. Youll feel normal too zoloft wont make you feel high etc. if you have any side effects like a stomach ache after you take it, then just let your doctor know and he can fix it :) this is something to feel good about youre on the road to getting better and the sooner you start your meds the sooner you begin to feel better and be glad you did!

My personal fear of ADs was that i didnt like the idea of taking pills that changed my brain neurotransmitter receptors. It sounds scary who wants to mess with their brain such a precious thing? No one - but then my doctor told me that almost every pill we take does that like taking advil, which binds to pain receptors. And advil isnt scary right? Lol its ALL mental. We work ourselves up and are our own worse enemy! Just trust your doc

05-26-2012, 09:36 AM
Sad today.... Last night didn't go so well. Ended up awake until 2.00am with my fiend here babysitting me. Never got the nerve to take the Xanax. Woke up this morning with the same waves going through my head that I eventually fell asleep with. I'm supposed to go to a cookout with friends today that I've been excited about all week. I want to take the Xanax but I'm so scared. The first time I took it was not a good experience. I took .25 and my arms began to shake. I was with a friend of mine who is an anesthesiologist and she told me it was psychological and to take the other half of the pill. After a while, I eventually took the other half, calmed down and went to sleep. I am afraid of going through the same arm shaking as last time. I'm really embarrassed by all of this. Can you all assure me that this pill is ok? I don't know why I am having such a hard time after my gynocologist, PCP, a friend who is an anesthesiologist, and my therapist say to take it!!!! And then there are my countless friends and family. But somehow in my mind I'm telling myself this is a medical condition that is going on and I'm afraid the Xanax will aggravate it. :(

05-26-2012, 10:57 AM
It's fine to take it. Even more then a half just to settle your nerves . It helps a lot I know..!! If you think about bad things when you take the pill it won't effect you like it should cause you are thinking the worst! Everything will be ok..

05-26-2012, 10:59 AM
Keep telling your self " IM GONNA BE OK . IM GONNA ENJOY MYSELF TODAY IT'S ONLY ANXIETY IT'S NOT GONNA KILL ME! " keep repeating it and telling your self your gonna be ok.

05-26-2012, 12:36 PM
Your arms shaking was anxiety from swallowing it. Everytime i have a panic attack my limbs shake afterwards like i just got hyped up to fight someone! You were nervous about taking the xanax then you took it and panicked! 0.25mg doesnt touch my anxiety the first time i took it i still had panic attacks as usual so i took another .25mg and felt alot better.

Xanax is prescribed as an anti seizure medication as well as anti anxiety, so dont worry about it aggrevating anything or triggering a seizure etc.

05-26-2012, 02:05 PM
I've been having sharp shooting pains throught my arms and legs.. And fingers... Chest... And when in panic it just gets worst plus I shake as well too

05-28-2012, 09:52 AM
How have you been holding up!?

05-28-2012, 03:12 PM
So I used to always feel lik I was having a heart attack when my anxiety was high but lately i have been having a weird feeling like I'm about to have a seizure.it's comes into my head and then I'm lik oh no I'm Gona have a seizure nd start imaging the worst.just wanted to know if anyone experiences this aswel?or is this the feeling of losing control I hear others here on about?thanks.

I use to feel like I was having a heart attack. My heart rate would go up and down. Sometimes I feel like I am going to have a seizure, aneurysm or something scary due to anxiety.

05-28-2012, 04:04 PM
I have a high sensitivity to meds, so I only take 1/2 of a .25mg xanax and that does the trick for me. Maybe you should try that and if it isn't enough, then you can take the other half of the pill. Try it, I really don't think you will have any issues. I understand about being nervous about taking meds though....it took months for me to build up the courage to try Zoloft, and I finally started it without any real issues!!!