View Full Version : Waking up everyday at 4:30

05-24-2012, 05:03 PM
Hi. For the past 4 or five months I have been getting only 6 1/2 to 7 hrs of sleep. I really need 8 or 8 1/2 hours to feel great. At first I would wake up anywhere from 2:30 to 5:30 AM. Now I am consistently waking at 4:30AM. I go to bed between 10 and 10:30PM, sometimes earlier. Thanks for any input you might have :)

05-24-2012, 07:03 PM
Sorry, I forgot to put that I have GAD and mild depression. I think it's the cause. Any ideas?

05-24-2012, 07:09 PM
I definitely think its your GAD. I havent been formerly diagnosed but i have many of the symptoms of it. Its funny you posted this because i am having the same problem since my anxiety flared up badly.

I used to be able to sleep like 10 hours id go out have fun pass out at 2am and sleep til noon. I also used to love to take naps which i physically cant do for some reason. I get exhausted at 10-1030 and wake up around 5 and my quality of sleep is complete crap so i wouldnt even say i get 4 hours. I toss and turn badly. Lately ive been making myself stay up til 1130 12 so that ill sleep in later but i still barely sleep no matter how tired i am. Its weird my sleep pattern changed like that

05-25-2012, 03:21 AM
Thank you, thank you. It's good to know the WHY behind the problem and that other people face it too. Ughh... as I write this I've been up since 4:20AM. Not fun. Especially since this all started in December. I tend not to want to go back to bed because I'm not sleepy. I may be tired, but I don't feel like sleeping. Is that normal too? :)

05-25-2012, 04:05 AM
I am having exactly the same problem at the moment. I used to go to bed around midnight and sleep thro til 7 to get up for work no problem. having started a new job fairly recently i wake up several times anything from 1am until i have to get up. if i wake up at 4 for example i dont ever get back to sleep. my mind is racing, heart pounding, feel sick, the usual anxiety stuff and it feels SO much worse at night as the house is quiet and everyone is asleep i just lay there freaking out so that i dont wake anyone. so the next day i feel and look like crap and get snappy with everyone as i feel rough. during the day i find the anxiety easier to control but at night i cant seem to do a thing about it. i´ve tried to drink camomile before i go to bed but i just wake up needing to pee and then the anxiety will start as i am all alone with my thoughts. i am sure this bout of anxiety i have at the moment is a culmination of things - someone close to me dying, new job, money worries etc

05-25-2012, 04:10 AM
Hey , I have sleeping issues also. It's not so much the waking up in the am I deal with. I don't feel comfortable sleeping at might so I have to wait until morning hours , (around 6:30-7:00 a.m) to fall asleep. If I try and sleep at night it is so hectic for me! I understand where your coming from though. If for example I did fall asleep at a decent hour , I would wake at mid hours and not be able to sleep. Then would fear I would never sleep. Anxiety is rough , for sure.